Gulagu.net project published interview with a former prisoner of correctional colony No. 7 in the Omsk region. He confirmed the information that the convicts in the institution are systematically tortured.
According to Sergei Abramenko, he was serving time in IK-7 from June 30, 2014 to June 11, 2021. Abramenko was convicted under Part 3 of Art. 162 (robbery) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He spent the first two weeks in quarantine, where “preventive” torture is applied to newcomers, “to suppress the will.” At the same time, the prisoners are forced to shout slogans like: “I am offended! I came here to be raped for days. “
Also, during the period of imprisonment, Abramenko was repeatedly sent to the “regime detachment”. There are prisoners who do not fulfill all the requirements of the administration or ask “unnecessary” questions. In the “regime detachment” Abramenko was wrapped with tape from feet to neck. After that, the “activists” sat on top of him, beat and strangled him, and also poured water into his mouth while pinching his nose.
In the colony, Sergei worked as an artist, making portraits, backgammon, and other souvenirs, including edged weapons (swords, checkers). This weapon with the corresponding engraving was presented, according to him, to generals and other officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
The working day lasted from morning to night. Abramenko left the detachment at 07:30 and came back at 02:00. In fact, the administration did not allow him to take advantage of the possibility of early release or transfer to an institution with a softer regime. This was due to the fact that Sergei was a valuable worker in production. He was directly told: “If you want to be released ahead of schedule, find yourself a replacement.” Other prisoners were told so.
If Abramenko wrote complaints to the supervisory authorities, they were necessarily looked over by representatives of the colony administration. If the text did not suit them, Abramenko was forced to rewrite the complaint using different wording.
The mass media have been writing about torture in IK-7 for many years. In particular, a video was published, dated December 2015, It captures dozens of prisoners squatting in the nude, with their hands in handcuffs raised above their heads. Then these same prisoners dance a waltz in pairs, and after moral bullying, already in their clothes, they squat with a load on their shoulders.
Former prisoners of IK-7 said that the inmates were strangled with a bag and forced to stand naked in the cold. In addition, the “activists” acting on the instructions of the administration urinated on the prisoners and sent electric shocks through their genitals.
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