The cost of New Year’s gifts for veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War in the Smolensk region turned out to be two times less than the cost of maintaining the official car of Governor Alexei Ostrovsky. drew attention edition “7×7”.
In December 2021, the Department for Social Development of the region signed a state contract for the supply of gifts for congratulations to veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, according to the state procurement website. Under this agreement, Siltex LLC will supply 692 one-bedroom all-season synthetic blankets worth over 333 thousand rubles.
At the same time, the Regional State Budgetary Motor Transport Institution of the Smolensk Region Administration in May and August 2021 signed four contracts of 150 thousand rubles for the maintenance of the new Hyundai Genesis G90L official car of Governor Alexei Ostrovsky, purchased in November 2020 for 11 million rubles. Contracts for a total of 600 thousand rubles were paid at the expense of “subsidies funds for the financial support of the fulfillment of the state assignment.”
The regional administration presented similar gifts in the form of blankets from the same supplier to the Smolensk veterans of the Great Patriotic War in previous years.
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