In fact, of course, no one is trying to ban or rename Christmas. European Commissioner for Equality Elena Dalli is just made up the draft of the working document, by the way, has already been withdrawn, with the rules of communication for employees of the EU structures.
The project is designed in the spirit of somewhat hypertrophied political correctness; in particular, EU officials are advised not to use the “Mrs.” address, as this can embarrass divorced women or women who have separated from their husbands without a formal divorce. The address “ladies and gentlemen” is also not recommended, as there may be persons among the audience who do not consider themselves to be one of the two sexes. It is undesirable to use the pronoun “he” when talking about an unidentified person. And the fictitious names, which in information messages replace the names of those whose identity for one reason or another needs to be hidden, should not be only Christian.
Recommendations concerning Christmas are kept in the same spirit: it was suggested not to mention the name of the Christian holiday when it comes not to festive events, but to the season, that is, to talk, for example, not about Christmas, but about winter holidays. The proposal is controversial, but perhaps in this case the European official is based on the norms of her native language – Maltese: there the traditional formula for Christmas greetings is il-Festi t-Tajba, literally “happy holidays”. Something similar exists in other European languages, for example, in Latvian, where the Christmas days are called Ziemassvētki, literally “winter holidays”.
One way or another, Dalli’s document is not a ban on one name or another, but just a draft communication rules for officials, which urges not to use gender, ethnically or religiously colored terms where it is not necessary.
NTV, reporting that the draft document was sent for revision and revision (possibly after harsh criticism from Pope Francis), summarizes:
“And there is something to improve. The draft law was not only about Christmas. According to the first option, residents of European states should stop calling their children Mary or Ivans, Janes, Jonas. It’s too religious. “
The latter is purely a fantasy of NTV correspondent Vadim Glusker. Recommendations on the rules of communication for European officials have nothing to do with what names Europeans should give their children.
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