A favorite topic of Russian TV propagandists is stories about how low Americans value their president. A week ago, Vesti Nedeli claimed that Joe Biden was considered the worst president since World War II; it turned out to be untrue… Now the Vremya correspondent Georgy Olisashvili has picked up the baton:
“The terrible dream of any American president – the loss of support in his own party, seems to come true for Joe Biden. On the air of CNN, they are already discussing: is it time for the Democrats to distance themselves from the owner of the White House? <…>
Another mouthpiece for the Democrats New York Times, demands guarantees that Biden will not be nominated for a second term – right now: “What is the president to do? He must declare as soon as possible that he will not be nominated for a second term. ” The rarest case – the republican channel Fox News quotes on air the Democratic Wall Street Journal. <…>
The ratings of the American leader are dropping. If elections had happened today, he would not have won. According to CNN, the approval rating for Biden’s policies is only 36%. This is lower than Trump’s worst record of 40% in January 2019 and not so far from the absolute anti-record of Bush Jr. of 25% in October 2008. <…>
Her [Камалу Харрис] was called the future successor, but Harris’s ratings are even lower than Biden’s. 28%, she is the worst VP in history. Many believe that in the White House she is specially entrusted with knowingly losing cases in order to transfer the negative from the first person to the second. “

Why Olisashvili considers a conservative newspaper close in views to the Republicans The Wall Street Journal democratic, it is impossible to explain. And in really close to the Democrats The New York Times Olisashvili drew attention to column journalist Bret Stevens under the headline “Biden Shouldn’t Be Re-Run, and Must Say He Won’t.” But this is not the position of the newspaper, but the controversial opinion of one of its columnists, who, although he supports the Democrats, is in many ways at odds with the views of the current administration. In 2014 he published the book “America Retreats: New Isolation and the Threat of World Chaos”, where he defended the idea of a special US mission – maintaining world law and order, including by force. Stevens praised the Bill Clinton administration’s decision to bomb Serbia in 1999 and criticized Barack Obama for not punishing Bashar al-Assad, who unleashed a chemical war against his country’s residents. Of course, Stevens cannot but be disappointed with the soft foreign policy of the current administration, although he does not write about it in his column. In his opinion, it would be better for Biden to abandon his plans to run for a second term so that the Democratic Party would be clear now: it is time to actively tackle the nomination of a younger and more energetic leader.
But in the ratings of the president, Olisashvili is desperately confused, even more than a week ago, Denis Davydov from Vesti Nedeli. CNN really reportedthat according to a poll by the quite authoritative sociological service of the University of Quinnipe, Biden’s approval rating was 36%. But there are a lot of such surveys in the United States; in the same CNN article it is said that the average level of approval of the president according to various polls is 41-42.5%. But this is not the main thing: Olisashvili simply did not pay (or tried not to pay) attention to the release date of the CNN material: November 19. This is significant: as the poll aggregator at Fivethirtyeight.com shows, Biden’s average approval rating, having peaked at 42.3% on December 1, after that started grow slowly and reached 43.9% by December 17. Compared to other presidents, this is not a high level, but it was even lower for Donald Trump.

By the way, the anti-record here does not belong to Bush Jr. Lowest approval rating in all the years since World War II – 22% – was in February 1952 with President Harry Truman. Now, according to a survey of historians who were asked to evaluate the activities of 45 presidents who have already completed their terms, Truman ended up in 6th place, beating even Thomas Jefferson and John F. Kennedy.
Olisashvili again has outdated information about the rating of Vice President Kamala Harris: the minimum level – 29.1% – was recorded on November 8, but it was a short-term drop, after which the rating quickly returned to the previous values; On December 13, it was 41.3% (such a jump is most likely due to the fact that there are much fewer polls for the approval of the vice president than for the popularity of the president). Harris is less popular than Biden, but the gap between the two is small.

It is curious that propagandists, talking about Biden’s unpopularity, never cite similar data from Russia for comparison. And there is something to compare with. On December 9, Levada Center published the result of a poll on the electoral rating of Russian politicians “If the presidential elections in Russia were held next Sunday, would you take part in them, and if so, which of the current politicians would you vote for?” The first place was quite expectedly taken by Vladimir Putin, but his result ended up only 32% – the worst level since 2014. Most of the respondents do not see a worthy candidate among the current politicians. Among those who made their choice, Putin’s result is 49%, which is 7 percentage points lower than in April this year.
On December 15, VTsIOM published the results of a survey about who is the authority for the inhabitants of Russia. 85% of respondents thinkthat Russia needs authority, and again Vladimir Putin is in first place, but with a result of only 16% (in second place is Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu with 5%). Each respondent could name up to 5 names of persons of authority for himself, and only 16% included Putin in this list.
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