The court sentenced the nurse of the Samara boarding house for disabled children. She was found guilty of torturing three inmates, informs RF IC.
The accused was sentenced to three years of suspended imprisonment with a probationary period of 1 year. She will also pay the fine.
According to the investigation, in April 2021, the nurse of the Samara boarding house for disabled children tied three inmates born in 2000, 2004 and 2005 to their beds with rags of cloth “in the absence of a psychiatrist’s appointment,” and also beat them, including on head.
A criminal case was initiated against the nurse under Part 2 of Art. 117 (torture committed against two or more persons, knowingly for the guilty being in a helpless state) and Art. 156 (failure to fulfill responsibilities for the upbringing of a minor) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
In April, the institution was visited by an interdepartmental audit commission, which included representatives of the prosecutor’s office, the ombudsman for the rights of the child, and public organizations. Anton Rubin, a volunteer of the Childhood House organization, spoke about the results of the check.
According to him, the orphanage has been working with violations for several years, and last year it was closed for visits under the pretext of the coronavirus pandemic. “Disabled children are fed onion salad […]… I propose to patent and feed them to officials. I also liked potato soup with semolina and millet. They began to change into normal clothes from rags right at the commission, “- said Rubin, whom quoted 63.ru.
When asked why the children in strollers sit so strangely and unnaturally, the staff of the boarding school answered: “They are so used to it.” And when asked why bedsores in children are treated with brilliant green, the employees of the institution answered: “And what they gave me, so I treat.”
“There is no need to talk about the education of these children – such a service is simply not provided for them,” concluded Anton Rubin.
Olga Shelest, executive director of the EVITA charitable foundation, wrote on a social network that most of the children in the orphanage were exhausted, and they fed them, mixing salad, the first and the second in one pot.
After checking the director of the boarding house, Elena Kitaeva was fired.
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