Since the end of October, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has started a wave of dismissals of police officers who subscribed to opposition publics or simply watched and rated positively the video on Alexei Navalny’s YouTube channel. More than ten people told “Dozhu” that Interior Ministry employees are forced to write resignation reports of their own free will. It is alleged that the lists for dismissal are drawn up in Moscow and “through the FSB”, and it is necessary to get rid of the “unreliable” in the punitive authorities before the end of the year.
A police officer from Tomsk, Yulia Suvorova, was forced to write a letter of resignation under the threat of opening an extremism case. At the same time, she was asked whether she had written “comments of an extremist nature” and whether she had discussed in public the roads, government, elections and amendments to the Constitution. Julia has worked in the police for over 15 years. She is raising three children alone and caring for a father suffering from dementia.
Other interlocutors of “Dozhd” spoke about their dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on condition of anonymity, so their names in the publication have been changed. Andrei from the Rostov Region worked as an inspector for minors for more than 10 years and did not have any penalties. He was offered to quit before the New Year, citing an “order from above.” “I said that I understand everything, well, it’s hard for me to fight – I’m not going to go against the system, it will eat me, chew and spit me out, but I have the right to know why I’m being fired,” says Andrey. He came to the conclusion that it was all the fault of a subscription to Navalny’s YouTube channel, issued two years ago.
“I’m not a participant, not an activist, I can’t express my position – but now it turns out that you can’t just watch the video and like it,” says Andrey.
According to him, in the public, where the police communicate, discussing similar layoffs, many write that it was not necessary to subscribe to Navalny’s channel. “But they don’t understand that tomorrow they may not like something else. I look at these people and I see that they all do not care about it, ”added Andrei.
His colleague Pavel was summoned to the personnel department, where he was advised to “reconsider his personal life.” “In terms of the Internet, reconsider? – the policeman asked the personnel officer. “To which the employee just nodded to me, he was afraid to even say”.
Pavel also subscribed to the Navalny Live channel a couple of years ago. “But I already forgot about it, there were no activities on my part,” added the resigned person from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was also threatened with criminal prosecution: “If you want, fight, but the consequences will be bad, you can lose your freedom.”
An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Konstantin from the Irkutsk region was taken on a pencil in the spring. The authorities did not like the fact that during the winter rallies after the arrest of Alexei Navalny, he “sometimes liked Instagram.” “In April, the head of the department called me and said that the FSB had registered me – that I had climbed somewhere along Navalny,” Konstantin recalls. In December, he was offered to quit, as “information came to him through the FSB”.
Arkady, a teacher at one of the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was not subscribed to Navalny’s public pages, but in 2019 he registered on the Smart Voting website. The boss who called him in for a conversation announced that “there was an alarm signal from Moscow” and he needed to write a report. When asked about the reasons for the dismissal, the chief replied that “suspicious transactions” were recorded from Arkady’s bank card. The teacher himself says that once a month he transfers 100–150 rubles to charitable foundations.
Vladimir from the Belgorod region lost his job in the police after watching several opposition videos, including Navalny’s investigation “A palace for Putin. The story of the biggest bribe. ” “I didn’t comment, I’m the same person as everyone else, and I see that I have some kind of opinion,” explains Vladimir.
He also recalled that in his personal correspondence on VKontakte with two friends who attended the rallies, he said that he felt sorry for Navalny, because he had been sent to prison for nothing. “But what’s the big deal? I didn’t say “follow Navalny,” I never said anything bad about the president or about United Russia, ”Vladimir wonders.
Almost all of Dozhd’s interlocutors said that the lists for dismissal had been issued “from above,” including from the Moscow headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the central office of the FSB.
By data of the “Police Ombudsman” project, in July Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a general plan to “cleanse” law enforcement agencies from disloyal employees. The plan was called “Only our own”. Its authors wrote that in the Russian police, about 15% of employees have a negative attitude towards the authorities.
In the spring, employees of state transport enterprises in Moscow, as well as workers in the education sector, were fired for supporting Navalny.
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