The Ministry of Construction is developing a bill on the creation of a state information system for renting apartments, apartments and parking spaces. About it informs Kommersant.
According to the ministry’s plan, the system will need to register all such lease agreements within 30 days. All calculations will also need to be done through this system. According to the deputy head of the department, Nikita Stasishin, the system will fully belong to the state, and the department will act as its operator. GIS also intend to integrate into systems with the Federal Tax Service and other regulators.
To create the system, the Ministry of Construction intends to attract private investors, including Dom.RF, which is headed by former Minister of Sports and Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko.
At the same time, the department plans to introduce fines for those lessors who will not stop carrying out calculations outside the created GIS. For individuals, it will be from 500 to 2.5 thousand rubles, for legal entities – from 5 to 10 thousand. If the information is not posted or distorted, citizens will be obliged to pay from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, companies – from 30 to 50 thousand.
In an explanatory note to the draft law, the authors explain that its main purpose is the protection of tenants and the transparency of the rental market. The Ministry of Construction calculated that due to non-payment of taxes in this area, the state budget loses about 162 billion rubles annually. In 2023–2025, using GIS, the department plans to raise an additional 62.8 billion rubles.
Moreover, how notes RBC, when making calculations in the GIS, the tenant will be obliged to pay a commission to the platform operator, as well as to a bank or other paying agent. The size of the commission is not specified in the bill.
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