Environmental activist Olga Kuzmina, who in August of this year protested against the renovation by tying herself to a tree at a 20-meter height, was drawn up a protocol under an article on damage to green spaces. About it writes OVD-Info.
The protocol, which was drawn up on November 19, says that Kuzmina “climbed a poplar tree, <...> as a result of which 5 branches of the specified tree were broken at the place of its placement at a height of about 20 m from the ground.” Consideration of the case, according to OVD-Info, is scheduled for December 15 at the environmental control department of the North-Eastern District of Moscow.
Since August, Kuzmina has been under house arrest in a criminal case of hooliganism (part 2 of article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This measure of restraint was extended to her twice.
December 7 Moscow City Court admitted legal decision to involuntarily hospitalize an eco-activist. She will be placed in a psychiatric hospital for examination for up to 30 days. As a reason for hospitalization, the investigation indicated that during the outpatient examination, the doctors pointed to the “ambiguity of the clinical picture” of Kuzmina.
A criminal case against the activist was opened because of the rally on August 9, 2021. Then she climbed a tree and demanded to stop the construction at 15 Yantarnaya Street. The woman had a crossbow with her, with which she wanted to defend herself in case they wanted to forcefully remove her from the tree. The police detained the Muscovite 10 hours after the start of the action. For this, the security forces put on body armor and shields and dismantled the fire escape to get to the activist. The detainee was taken to the Losionoostrovsky police station and left overnight until the trial.
After the action to Kuzmin arrested for six days. Then the security forces searched her house, took away all the equipment and electronic media. At the exit from the special detention center, Olga Kuzmina was detained and sent to a temporary detention center. On August 17, she was assigned house arrest.
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