In Washington, one of the streets next to the Belarusian embassy will be named after the Belarusian Roman Bondarenko, who was beaten to death by the security forces. About it informs Belarusian diaspora of America with reference to the Bondarenko family.
The resolution on naming the street after Bondarenko was adopted by the local committee on December 8 “in recognition of the tragic death of Roman, the unprecedented repression of journalists who covered the events, and support for the resolutions of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate.” Roman Bondarenko howled was chosen by open vote in the diaspora group on Facebook, more than 300 people voted for him.
According to the diaspora, Washington is regulating the symbolic renaming of streets so that it is not possible until the second anniversary of a person’s death. However, Belarusians hope to find a way to speed up this process.
On November 11, at about 22:00, unknown persons wearing masks came to shoot white-red-white in the courtyard not far from the “Square of Changes”. Local residents reacted to this and began to leave their apartments. A conversation started between the parties, Roman Bondarenko became an unwitting witness. At some point, the security forces began to make claims to Bondarenko, after which a scuffle began. The detention of Bondarenko was caught on video.
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