Former coordinator of Navalny’s headquarters in Ufa, Lilia Chanysheva, handed over to the wild the first open appeal since her arrest. Letter from the accused of “organizing an extremist community” published by in the social networks of the “Navalny Teams”.
According to Chanysheva, after the dissolution of Navalny’s headquarters, which the authorities declared to be extremist organizations in the summer, she “went to her family, recovered her health, rested a lot and was preparing to become a mother.” However, the initiation of a criminal case and arrest ruined all her life plans.
Now I am sitting in a pre-trial detention center almost healthy; I am traveling from Ufa to Moscow, I am fed free of charge; there is no need to pay for water, electricity and gas, I save on cosmetics, clothing and transportation costs; bed linen is changed; I watch TV and read books; I walk for an hour in the fresh air, ”writes Chanysheva.
She told about the inhuman conditions in which she was taken from Ufa to Moscow. Chanysheva compared the wagon for prisoners without windows and with bars instead of doors to a “mobile zoo.” “Shelves without mattresses, pillows and bed linen. They smoke in almost every cell, but I don’t. And so for almost 30 hours. In Saransk, a patient with tuberculosis was put in a carriage for several hours. At this time, I was moved to the opposite end of the carriage from her. And thanks for that! ” – she wrote.
According to Chanysheva, she feels tremendous support. “It is a great honor for me to receive so many guarantees that even the judge could not name their number. I am grateful to everyone! – writes the ex-employee of Navalny’s headquarters. – Hold on! Together we will make Russia free and happy! “
Lily Chanyshev detained November 9 after hours of interrogation and search. Also, the police came with searches to more than ten oppositionists in the Kemerovo region and Bashkiria. Most of them were employees or volunteers of Navalny’s headquarters.
Lilia Chanysheva is the first person to be arrested in an “extremist” case initiated after the destruction of Navalny’s structures in 2021. Prior to joining politics, she worked for the audit company Deloitte. Under her leadership, the Ufa headquarters became “one of the strongest” in Russia, Navalny’s supporters said. At this time, Bashkiria turned into one of the most protest regions, as shown by the history of successful defense шихана Куштау.
Chanysheva was charged under five criminal articles: Part 2 of Art. 151.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (involving minors in the commission of actions that pose a danger to the life of a minor, part 4 of Art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (laundering of money or other property acquired by other persons by criminal means), Part 2 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (production, storage, transportation or sale of goods and products, performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements), part 1, part 2 of Article 282.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (organization of an extremist community), part 1 of Article 282.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (financing of an extremist Only under “extremist” articles she faces eight years in prison.
The investigator insisted that Chanysheva be detained on the grounds that she might abscond and obstruct the proceedings. He stated that this was confirmed by some information from the operatives. According to a report published by lawyer Vladimir Voronin, the investigator “received information” that Chanysheva allegedly plans to secretly leave the country.
Lilia Chanysheva, in response to a petition for her in custody, stated that she was “apparently in an early pregnancy.” This did not affect the court’s decision. Judge authorized arrest of a former opposition activist in just 20 minutes.
On December 3, Chanysheva’s husband Almaz Gatin told The Insider that he and his wife had been planning a child since the summer, and at the time of their arrest they had “every reason to believe” that she was pregnant. “When the time came, examinations were carried out and tests were submitted, and, unfortunately, the pregnancy was not confirmed,” Gatin said.
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