In Kazan, mass arrests began at the action against the introduction of QR codes, informs Telegram channel Avtozak LIVE. In turn, SOTA transfersthat the police selectively snatched people out of the crowd, regardless of their lack of posters. The journalists were taken to the paddy wagon, one of them was with a camera. SOTA correspondent Nailya Mullayeva, who covered the action, was detained.
Opponents of the introduction of QR codes gathered in front of the Kazan mayor’s office. They emphasized that they are not anti-makers, but oppose QR codes. About 10 people were detained.
Tatarstan became the first region of Russia where QR codes in public transport began to operate. From November 22, travel in public transport in the region allowed only if there is a confirmation of vaccination or a disease that has been transferred within the last 6 months. After the introduction of these rules, the passenger traffic in Kazan decreased by about 30%.
On the first morning of the action of restrictions from public transport in the capital of Tatarstan dropped off more than 500 people. Due to the reaction of passengers in the city, there were disruptions in traffic.
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