In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, a case was opened against the head physician of the hospital for the sale of certificates of vaccination against coronavirus, reported at the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
How writes, we are talking about Mikhail Sushko, who heads the local hospital in the village of Sinegorsk. He is suspected of abuse of power (part 1 of article 285 of the Criminal Code). According to the investigation, he ordered the hospital staff to add more than 50 people who did not get vaccinated to the vaccinated database. Unused vaccines, investigators say, were destroyed.
Sushko himself said that he was slandered and “it is not clear who needs it.” “I devoted 30 years to medicine, developing palliative care. For the first time in three years, I take a vacation with subsequent dismissal, so as not to discredit our Ministry of Health. I will defend my good name “, – quotes his ASTV channel.
According to the hospital’s lawyer, “during the checks, nothing illegal was revealed, and representatives of the UBEP came without any documents.”
The hospital, headed by Sushko, has the largest palliative care unit in Sakhalin. The head physician is one of its founders.