In Austria, a lockdown will be introduced from 22 November. How informs Der Standart, announced by Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg and Minister of Health Wolfgang Mückstein.
The lockdown is announced for 20 days, but after 10 days the restrictive measures may be revised. For unvaccinated residents of the country, restrictions will continue after the lockdown.
Sports, cultural and recreational activities will be canceled during the lockdown. Cafes, restaurants and shops will be closed, except for those selling essential goods. Also, face-to-face classes in schools will be canceled.
Companies will have to transfer employees to remote work. Indoors, you will need to wear FFP2 high protection masks.
Over the past day, 15 145 cases of coronavirus have been detected in Austria; in total, 1,011 465 people have fallen ill in the country since the beginning of the pandemic.
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