Timecodes of yesterday’s broadcast:
00:00 The beginning of the broadcast.
00:39 On the air of the program “Russia of the Future” Kira Yarmysh and Georgy Alburov.
02:33 “IK-2, where Aleksey is located, is, one might say, famous for the fact that there they categorically do not give long visits to prisoners, no matter how much they ask. This is such a regime of pressure, it is illegal. “
06:36 “It is impossible to retroactively recognize a person as an extremist. He did not know that it was an “extremist organization”. Taxes were paid, the office was paid, everything was done in the open. And now Lilia Chanysheva is in jail. “
11:54 🎥 Lawyer Vladimir Voronin on the case of Lilia Chanysheva.
19:05 Write a letter to Lilia Chanysheva: FKU Detention Center-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia FOR THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN, 450015, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Dostoevsky st., 39, Chanysheva L.A., born in 1982
20:25 Support us and our work. Become a channel sponsor: https: //www.youtube.com/channe …
20:58❗ Liquidation of Memorial.
23:16 “Even if you just talk about old repressions, you are already an enemy for the current state, and you need to be eliminated.”
25:20❗As a priest, they were exiled to a monastery for supporting Navalny.
25:59 🎥 Priest about exile to a monastery.
28:00❗ Denial of roles to actors.
29:29 🎥 Pavel Derevyanko in support of Navalny.
32:18 “Censorship is monstrous. But self-censorship is much worse, I guess. Because you can fight censorship from the outside, but self-censorship is inside you. You gradually slide into this world, in which it seems to you that you cannot say that, you cannot say that, because you are afraid that something might turn out. “
36:00❗New anti-records.
37:07 “The authorities bear full responsibility for the fact that people in Russia are not categorically vaccinated, because they did everything possible so that no one would trust these vaccines.”
41:55 “Nobody believes that the state will be truly honest in using QR codes. It seems to everyone that the Russian state can use them exclusively for a new round of repression. Nobody discusses them in terms of whether they are useful or not useful in the fight against coronavirus. This is the reputation of the Russian state. “
44:00❗FBK survey: https://navalny.com/p/6564
49:03 “If earlier the election results were such an exaggerated reality, where United Russia was shown a little more, the rest of the parties were shown a little less. But now the election results are an inverted reality. All elections in Russia are an inverted reality. “
50:36❗Poklonskaya’s apartment and a symbol of the Crimean spring.
52:15 🎥 Poklonskaya complains that she has neither an apartment nor a house.
55:04 “Russian officials have actually built themselves a state within a state. They give themselves out apartments, they build palaces for themselves, where they live behind huge fences, and they build a casino there, which is prohibited in Russia. They have their own terminal at the Vnukovo airport through which they fly. They have absolutely no contact with the population. “
55:30❗Sogaz secret clinic.
57:17 🎥 Journalist Sergei Dobrynin on the investigation of the secret clinic “Sogaz”.
01:06:50 “A young man in Tomsk sneaked into the red zone of the hospital and took care of his grandmother for three days, because the hospital simply had neither the staff nor the resources to take full care of her. In Tomsk, it happens to ordinary people, but in Moscow hospitals for officials in one you eat red caviar for 13 million rubles, and in the other girls are checked, who later turn out to be escort girls. “
01:08:00 Answers on questions.
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