Solzhenitsyn in the 3rd volume of “The Gulag Archipelago” (Chapter 12, entitled “Knock – knock – knock …”) himself toldthat in the camp in Moscow, where he was imprisoned in 1945-1946, he was recruited by an overseer and persuaded to sign an obligation to report impending prisoners’ escape (the proviso that the obligation concerned only the topic of preparing the escape is important).
By his own assessment of the writer, he, then an inexperienced prisoner, succumbed to the pressure of the warden. Solzhenitsyn wrote:
“It was only with the late camp experience, when I got sick, I looked around and realized how petty, how insignificantly I was starting my term. In an officer’s skin, accustomed to an undeservedly high position among those around me, in the camp I all climbed to some positions, and immediately fell from them. And he very much clung to this skin – tunic, breeches, overcoat, he tried so hard not to change it for the protective camp garbage! <…>
After all, I wanted to die with people! I was ready to die with people! How did it happen that I stayed to live in the dogs? …
And the commissioner hides my obligation in the safe – it’s working out for the evening shift, and kindly explains to me: there is no need to come here, to the office, this will incur suspicion. And the warden Senin is a confidant, and all messages (denunciations!) Are transmitted unnoticed through him.
This is how birds are caught. Starting with the claw. “
According to Solzhenitsyn, his cooperation with the opera unit was limited to this, he did not write a single denunciation. Later, in the “sharashki” and in the Steplag in Ekibastuz, he behaved “independently, everyone is insolent, <...> with a cheerful breath”, so they even put the mark “do not recruit” on his personal file.
Report about a denunciation allegedly written by him in Steplag It was published in 1978 in the Hamburg magazine Neue Politik under the signature of the German-Swiss writer Frank Arnau, who had died two years earlier. During his lifetime, Arnau wrote an article sharply criticizing Solzhenitsyn, whom he accused of “deliberately aggravating the fear of Western readers of communism and receiving huge royalties for slandering their homeland,” but there was no talk of snitching.
The denunciation published on behalf of Arnau appears to have been a forgery made by the KGB. Solzhenitsyn immediately pointed to signs of a forgery. In 2003, in the article “Darkeners are not looking for light,” he recalled about this story:
“As they read the Archipelago, they set about making it. Yes, in the most important place of the falsification – a miscalculation for the KGB: the “denunciation” of the Ukrainians was marked on January 20, 1952, they cite “today’s” alleged conversations with Ukrainian prisoners and their “tomorrow” plans, but they missed that on January 6, every single one of the Ukrainians were transferred to a separate Ukrainian camp, tightly separated from ours – and at their camp there was no revolt at all in January, and they had nothing to do with the spontaneous revolt of the Russian camp on January 22, they did not participate and were close. (Although it is written about this in the “Archipelago”: Part V, Chapter 11 – but the experts overlooked, and they themselves did not think.) Along with this, there are other blunders that are shameful for professionals.
This old fake is hung with such details … I received a copy of it in May 1976 from the prominent Swiss journalist Peter Holenstein: that he was presented with such a document and he wants to know my opinion about it. I was then in California, working at the Hoover Institution – and immediately handed the facsimile of the fake to the Los Angeles Times, accompanied by my refutation. <...> In further correspondence that I keep, Holenstein said that in Moscow and East Germany there allegedly exists a whole collection of such forgeries, on the basis of which a certain author [Франк Арнау] prepares a book: “The beard is removed – exposing A.S.”. He offered Holenstein 25 thousand Swiss francs for his complicity in the publication. Holenstein refused: “I have the most serious doubts about the authenticity of the documents. I assumed this was a deliberately targeted attack on you … in connection with the emergence of the ‘Archipelago’. I offered to conduct an examination with a comparison of handwriting, but the author did not agree to this. He said that the letters were 100% written by S. ”. Why didn’t you agree, if you’re so sure? ”
The handwriting examination was never carried out even after Arnau’s death.
Materials for the aforementioned exposing book by Arnau about Solzhenitsyn, except for the facsimile of the denunciation, were never published and it is not known whether they ever existed.
From copies of the KGB archival materials transferred to the British special services in 1992 by the defector Vasily Mitrokhin, it became known that the campaign to denigrate Solzhenitsyn was a KGB operation. In terms of undercover activities for 1975 it says:
“To further compromise the” Spider “<this is what Solzhenitsyn is called in the document. – The Insider> to the world community through the available opportunities to prepare on the basis of available materials and publish in the West:
– books by the Swiss writer “A”, the West German journalist “X” and the famous writer of the German Democratic Republic “T”; <…>
– <...> to push materials about “Spider” to the West, revealing the fact of his cooperation with the state security authorities as an agent … “
And the plan for 1978 contains the details:
“Representatives of the KGB of the USSR and the MGB of the GDR (senior liaison officer of the KGB Representation in the GDR Byzov L., from the 5th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR Shironin V.S., Deputy Head of the Main Directorate A of the MGB of the GDR Knaust Hans) agreed on a joint plan for an active measure against Solzhenitsyn (operational nickname “Spider”). Action “Vampire-1” – the publication of the main documents not only compromises the “Spider” as a person, but also lays the foundation for further actions to localize the hostile activities of the “Spider” and the Russian Social Fund and the All-Russian Memorial Library. The development of the stock is calculated for a phased period of up to two years according to the following scheme.
The West German magazine “Neue politician” No. 2 for 1978 (publisher Wolf Schepke?) Publishes an article entitled “Report of Agent Vetrov”, that is, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and an accompanying article in the form of “Sheriff’s personal notes”.
The active event was carried out with the help of an illegal of the Ministry of State Security of the GDR “Korf” through his trust link “Albers”. The personal notes of “Sheriff” legend the appearance of the agent’s report from “Vetrov”. The information in the article is presented as part of the Sheriff’s posthumous archive ”.
Thus, the participant in the Solovyov program is merely repeating the long-exposed KGB fake. And his assertions that Solzhenitsyn “was not a scientist” and therefore there was no reason to transfer him to a “sharashka” – an obvious lie: in his first specialty he was a mathematician, received a diploma from Rostov University with honors, was recommended for graduate school, but instead this went to the front.
Yakov Kedmi (originally Kazakov), a native of Moscow who changed his last name after repatriation to Israel, is the former director of the Nativ liaison office, which was involved in organizing repatriation. According to some reports, while working in Moscow in the Israeli consular group at the Dutch embassy (there were no diplomatic relations between the USSR and Israel at that time), he was an employee of the Israeli special services undercover. In recent years, he regularly appears in Vladimir Solovyov’s programs from pro-Kremlin, anti-American and anti-Ukrainian positions.
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