Timecodes of yesterday’s broadcast:
00:00 Start broadcast
00:53 On the air of the program “Russia of the Future” Leonid Volkov.
03:13 Support us and our work. Become a channel sponsor: https: //www.youtube.com/channe …
07:40 “They are taking our friends hostage, they have been holding Alexei Navalny hostage for 10 long months, they are holding Ivan Zhdanov’s father hostage. We know that this should not affect our work, if we allow ourselves to be intimidated in this way, to go astray, then this will mean that Putin has won. “
15:08 “This is how world politics works: we can promote some things if we talk about them all the time.”
17:18❗Migration crisis.
17:43 🎥 Columns of migrants at the border.
23:20 “Lukashenka adds fuel to the fire, intensifies the conflict between Poland and Europe. And I am quite sure that Putin is behind this, or at least tells him what to do. “
28:37❗ Who in Putin’s Russia is supposed to have apartments?
34:28 🎥Story of the glamorous official: https://youtu.be/PVPmlL8IkHE
37:00❗Kovid continues to break anti-records.
37:56 “The official schedule of morbidity and mortality should not be shown to anyone, because it’s just a lie. These figures are completely drawn, they do not correlate with reality at all. “
42:12 “Putin and Margarita Simonyan killed hundreds of thousands of people with their propaganda, unwillingness to fight the epidemic normally, unwillingness to open the pod and pay people money, and of course, unwillingness to allow international vaccines to enter the Russian market.”
43:12❗RT and Margarita Simonyan kill people.
45:22 🎥 How Margarita Simonyan kills Russians: https://youtu.be/QVywXZivpgQ
50:31❗Prohibition of Memorial.
52:40 “The Stalinist terror is the darkest page in the history of our country. And the activities of the Memorial Society have been and continue to be aimed at ensuring that people do not forget this. “
59:22❗New torture.
01:01:44 “It’s a terrible punishment to go to jail, it’s very, very, very harsh. And degrading treatment of human dignity is not included in the kit, and rape by a mop is not included in the kit in any country in the world, and in no case should it be included in Russia. And if our society allows this, then this is a huge problem and a huge disaster. “
01:07:13❗The arrest of the rector Zuev.
01:09:50❗ Soon they will start to plant for jokes.
01:10:51 🎥 For which video on Vitaly Nalivkin a criminal case was opened.
01:14:14❗Save Lilia Chanysheva.
01:20:45 “All international conventions and the Constitution of the Russian Federation prohibit arbitrary punishment, prohibit punishment for actions that were not a crime at the time of their commission, because this is not possible.”
01:24:33 “Lilia Chanysheva, a person who has been engaged in public legal political work in front of everyone for many years, is imprisoned as an extremist. They put her in jail, although she did not commit any crimes. And separately Lilia says in court: “I believe that I am pregnant.” They just take her to the pre-trial detention center anyway ”.
01:25:13 🎥 Speech by Lilia Chanysheva at the meeting.
01:29:44 “We will write all these scum in our black notebook, and all these scum will answer to the fullest extent of the law in a fair and fair trial after Putin is gone.”
01:34:46 Answers on questions.
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