The Ministry of Information of Belarus has blocked the websites of Deutsche Welle and Nastoyashchestvennoe Vremya, the publications report. “The Village. Belarus » and REFORM.by.
In addition, the site of the Belarusian newspaper Novy Chas has been blocked on the territory of the country.
As the publications write, the reasons for the blocking are currently unknown. Websites keep opening while using VPN.
At the end of September, on the basis of the decision of the Ministry of Information in Belarus, the website of the Belarusian “Komsomolskaya Pravda” was blocked.
Presumably, the site was blocked for an article with a positive characteristic of Andrey Zeltser, killed the day before by KGB officers during the storming of his apartment. We are talking about the material with the heading “Classmates of the KGB officer who shot him:“ It’s hard to imagine what could have prompted him to do such an act, ”where the testimonies of Zeltser’s acquaintances were collected.
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