The editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, Aleksey Venediktov, said that at the request of Roskomnadzor, the editorial board had to remove the video of Aleksandr Nevzorov entitled “Putin at the disco, Singers in the Duma, paddophiles in the church, Sobchak in an accident and orders for sadism. I got drunk. ” It was published on the radio station’s website on October 11.
In the video, the department saw information that incites social discord in relation to a group of people distinguished on religious grounds, namely, Christian clergy. In accordance with the law “On Counteracting Extremist Activity”, incitement of social, racial, ethnic or religious hatred is extremism.
“The materials have also been transferred to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation to consider the issue of bringing the perpetrators to administrative responsibility under Art. 20.3.1 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation “, – reported in Roskomnadzor.
Venedict Office Warning published in your Telegram channel. He noted that he did not agree with Roskomnadzor, but it was decided to remove the video. “We do not agree, but we are carrying out the decision of Roskomnadzor. Together with Nevzorov, we will discuss further steps on this warning, ”wrote the editor-in-chief of the publication.
The video itself, although it has been removed from the Ekho Moskvy website, is still available on Nevzorov’s YouTube channel. In it, he talks about the fall in the rating of Vladimir Putin, the “imprisonment of young people”, the “prison and torture scandal”, and also reminds that the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Saratov Region Alexei Fedotov, who was recently forced to resign due to scandalous videos of rape and torture of prisoners, in July this year he was awarded for his participation in the project of the Russian Orthodox Church “Blagovest”, the purpose of which is “the preservation of spiritual values.”
Nevzorov notes that, in his opinion, the priests could not have been unaware of the torture, since those behind them have “a fashion dictated by the Kremlin to be Orthodox, to have a confessor and to confess.”
“The jailers shared their heartache with the priests. And any confessor, having received spicy information in confession, runs to report not only to the FSB, but also to his superiors, “Nevzorov said. In addition, in the video, he talked about the “pedophilic potential” of the Russian Orthodox Church in France. He recalled a recent high-profile investigation into the subject and stated that “aggressive pedophilia is a characteristic feature of the Christian priesthood.”
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