The mother of the founder of Group-IB Ilya Sachkov, Lyudmila Sachkova, wrote a letter to Putin asking him to “honestly understand” her son’s case and predicted another “brain drain” to the country abroad due to the arrest of an entrepreneur on charges of treason. Sachkova’s letter published Forbes.
In her address, the mother of the founder of Group-IB writes that he is credited with high treason, without specifying what it is. The Insider publishes the entire letter.
“Mr. President!
I am the mother of Ilya Sachkov, arrested on September 28, he is credited with high treason, without specifying what it is. But I am also a citizen of Russia, and from this position I would like to know what exactly is the betrayal of the Motherland by Ilya Sachkov. With all due respect to the FSB, everyone remembers how many worthy people, the flower of the nation, were ruined as “enemies of the people.” History repeats itself? No one will find out what exactly Ilya Konstantinovich Sachkov is accused of, whether these accusations are fair or whether he simply interfered with someone. The fact that he interfered with criminals, hackers, is for sure. So who benefits from eliminating Ilya? And I assure you that these are not only my thoughts. The thinking, caring part of our people is shocked by what is happening, especially those who know Ilya.
What an example he is for young people! He, who achieved everything in life himself, with his brains, willpower, having neither rich parents nor influential acquaintances.
He who did so much for his homeland!
You are also familiar with his professional achievements. And now, from the position of a mother, I want to tell you about my son.
I will never believe that he could betray, harm his country. He is a real, sincere patriot. Ilya could have lived in another country for a long time, instead he lives in Russia, is proud of its history, together with his friends restores the abandoned soldiers’ graves, does a lot with young people, convincing them that one must live and work in Russia, one must lead a healthy lifestyle, study sports, read good books, love poetry.
What a moral and moral blow was inflicted on people who believe in him and followed him. I am sure that now many people will think about leaving the country. And again, “brains will flow” abroad, but bloggers, mediocre singers and other “Sharikovs” will remain here.
In addition, Ilya is a deeply believing in God person, not ostentatious, but a true believer, who takes God’s laws very seriously. His trouble is that he always believed in justice!
I repeat once again that Ilya could not betray his Motherland, that no one believes in his guilt. Only hackers are happy and rejoicing!
The arrest and punishment of Ilya will deal a huge blow to the moral and moral climate in the country, not to mention information security.
I beg you to honestly investigate the case of Ilya Sachkov and release him. It’s not even about the fate of an individual, but about trust in the state. “
Recall that the head of Group-IB was arrested on September 28 on charges of high treason. He is suspected of collaborating with foreign intelligence services and transferring state secret information to them. What kind of special services and information is being discussed is unknown. The files of treason cases in Russia are classified.
Moscow sources Bloomberg reportedthat the criminal prosecution of Sachkov may be related to his intention to move most of the business out of Russia. At the same time, the entrepreneur himself worked closely with the FSB.
There are also another version, in which the criminal case against Sachkov is connected with the fact that his former subordinate Nikita Kislitsin was accused of cybercrimes and interrogated by the US FBI. Kislitsin refused the services of a lawyer and told the investigation everything he knew about the Russian hackers, whom the American authorities began to persecute in subsequent years.
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