These are figures only for passenger cars: their sales in Russia in 2008 amounted to 2.74 million units, then dropped by half in a year, then by 2012 they recovered to 2.76 million units, then by 2016 they gradually fell again. more than doubled – to 1.31 million. In 2017, there was some kind of market recovery, and PwC predicted that in 2018-2022 it will grow by 8% per year. Even this bold forecast did not promise sales to return to 2014 or 2007 volumes. In reality, it turned out that in 2018 the market increased by 12.8%, and then began to fall: in the pre-crisis 2019 by 2.3%, well, in covid 2020 – in general at 9.1%… This year, car sales in January-August are 21% more than last year, and by the end of the year, the automakers’ committee of the Association of European Businesses expects them to grow by 9.8%… That is, they will win back the losses of 2020 and return to the level of 2019, which in itself was slightly worse than 2006.
The state of the car market reflects rather clearly the state of the economy as a whole. However, from what has been said, one might think that things in the Russian automotive industry are worse than in the “manufacturing industries” on average. For objectivity, it is worth looking at other industries, for the same furniture industry, which was mentioned above as an example of good dynamics.
Russian furniture sales in January-June 2021 made up 130 billion rubles, which is 48% more than in 2020 and 44% more than in the pre-crisis 2019. According to comment Ministry of Industry and Trade, furniture production increased by 32.1%, and the rest of the increase in sales was provided, obviously, by higher prices. Furniture makers note that they are raising prices due to the growth in production costs. One of the commentators said “Kommersant” that the retail prices of mattresses rose by 30%, and the cost price by 50%, in particular, due to the “unprecedented” rise in prices for metal and polyurethane foam. Another noted that chipboards have almost doubled in price.
Be that as it may, furniture 130 billion is too little to make the weather in our manufacturing industry. By official data, the greatest contribution to the rise of this segment was made by the chemical complex. The coronavirus did not stop plastic manufacturers: in the first half of 2020, they did not reduce, but increased production by 14,8% (up to 4.9 million tons in primary form), and in 2021 they added more 12,8% and brought it to 5.5 million tons. And the production of tires in 2020 fell by 16.5%, but in 2021 it grew by 32.5% and, as a result, exceeded the pre-crisis level by 10.6%. Therefore, Putin’s joy for the restoration of manufacturing industries applies primarily to chemists.
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