Roskosmos’s net profit in 2020 compared to 2019 fell by about 42 times. About it reported in the code report of the state corporation.
“The financial result of the activities of the state corporation” Roscosmos “is reflected in the statement of financial results in the amount of 2 billion 219.414 million rubles (before tax) and is formed from profits from international space activities, income from the participation of the state corporation” Roscosmos “in the authorized capital of joint-stock companies and interest on deposit deposits, loans issued and cash balances on current accounts. The net profit is RUB 292.633 million, ”the report says.
At the same time, in 2019, the net profit was 12.5 billion rubles, and the profit before tax was 14.2 billion rubles.
It is noteworthy that the audit of Roscosmos, which took place in April this year, showed that the state corporation’s net profit for the first quarter of last year amounted to about 12 billion rubles. At the same time, Maxim Ovchinnikov, Deputy General Director of Roscosmos for Economics and Finance, stated that the consolidated financial statements show that the indicators are, “to put it mildly, a little worse.”
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