Among the violations in the elections in the Khabarovsk Territory – a ban on familiarization with documents during the counting of votes, unsealed safes, improper packaging of packages and incorrect filling out of protocols. The Insider was informed about this by the candidate in the elections to the State Duma from the “Fair Russia” Anton Plyusnin.
He also complained about the lack of observers in the region and that the chairmen of the commissions send observers from the opposition with instructions outside the precincts.
“Of the most striking violations – on September 16, the commission issued a decision that members with an advisory vote are allowed to get acquainted with the documents only from 9 to 19 o’clock, that is, an hour after the start of the commission’s work and an hour before the end is cut off. And we all know that the counting of votes takes place after 19:00. It turns out that they can neither get acquainted with the document of the commission, nor get a copy of it. We wrote a complaint about this, came and had a fight with the commission, and it canceled this decision.
At one of the sites, we found that the safe where all the packages are stored was not sealed. There, of course, a piece of paper formally hung, but it was glued exclusively to the door, and not to the main part. At another precinct, we also asked why the safe was so badly sealed, to which the chairman told us something like: “No, okay,” and eventually touched the piece of paper and it fell off.
Yesterday we noticed improper packaging of the safe-bag, during which all the adhesive part was torn off. Instead, they taped it all over with duct tape. We will also file a complaint about this, but tomorrow night, when they get this safe package. Note that it is not packaged “in shape”.
Also, many chairmen of the commission do not fill out an enlarged copy of the protocol, do not enter the address of the polling station. On one site it was simply written: “Karl Marx 111” – without specifying the subject, without the name of the municipality.
In general, I would like to say about the poor organization of observers in the region. It was stated that at each PEC there will be 2-4 people. In Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk even more or less – at least 2 people, and in the regions of the region – there is one observer and it is already good, so to speak.
As we are also told by observers, the chairmen of the election commissions are whispering about something with observers from United Russia. Everything as usual. They try to load observers from opposition parties with some tasks. At one of the PECs, an observer from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was sent to fetch some accounts. She, of course, went to do it. And the observer from United Russia continued to sit on the site with the view: “Yes, it’s okay, I’ll take a look at everything.” There is an opinion that there is some kind of collusion or something worse, ”Plyusnin said.
In Russia pass three-day elections of the State Duma deputies of the VIII convocation. 14 political parties take part in them. The Russians will have to elect 225 deputies from party lists and the same number from single-mandate constituencies. Voting will last from 17 to 19 September. Also, in some regions, elections are held for governors, deputies of legislative assemblies and city parliaments.
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