The police came to the lawyer Dmitry Zakhvatov’s home. About it informs Telegram channel “Avtozak LIVE” with a link to the defender himself.
According to Zakhvatov, employees read from a piece of paper questions about the financing of FBK and the Smart Voting website. When asked about the formal status of this operational measure, Captures answered: “Terror.”
Let us remind you that the police have been coming to Navalny’s supporters through “leaked bases” from the Smart Voting website for several weeks.
Earlier today in Rostov-on-Don security forces detained Igor Khoroshilov, editor-in-chief of the local newspaper Golos, because of the publication about Smart Voting, which he posted on Facebook. The arrest was attended by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Center for Countering Extremism. Because of the post, Khoroshilov is charged with distributing extremist materials.
September 2 Regional Court of Rostov-on-Don detained and arrested journalist Bella Nasibyan because of a photo published on Instagram with a poster of the Smart Voting project. The photo, which the journalist posted in the story, showed a poster of the candidate for State Duma deputy Alexander Ryabchuk, in whose election campaign the activist participates, as well as other leaflets and posters, among which was a poster with “Smart Vote”.
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