Veterans of the Great Patriotic War (WWII) and participants in the defense of Moscow in December 1941 will be paid 20 thousand rubles each. About this in the blog reported mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin.
The veterans will receive the money for the 80th anniversary of the Soviet counteroffensive in the battle for Moscow. “By tradition, by the anniversary of the counter-offensive, we will definitely pay material assistance to war veterans and participants in the defense of the capital,” the mayor said.
More than 1.1 thousand participants in the battle in the near future will also receive a badge “80 years of the battle for Moscow.” Since 2019, the Moscow authorities have been paying veterans of the battle for Moscow 20 thousand rubles each. Before that, the amount was 10 thousand rubles.
In Moscow as of May lived 4095 veterans-front-line soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. According to the authorities, 83.2 thousand people should receive one-time flights.
August 22 Putin on the eve of the State Duma elections announced payments to some citizens. The president instructed pensioners, including working people, to pay 10 thousand rubles each, the military and security officials – almost a third more, an average of 15 thousand rubles. A week later, he signed relevant decrees.
Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko statedthat lump sum payments to retirees are not politically related. In the Kremlin, commenting on the low ratings of United Russia before the elections, statedthat the ruling party allegedly never engaged in populism, was always responsible for what was happening in the country.
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