Militants of the terrorist group “Taliban” intend to ban public performance of music in Afghanistan, stated The New York Times spokesman for the Zabihullah Mujahid movement.
The Mujahid, now serving as the Taliban’s press secretary, may become the minister of information and culture in the new government. According to him, the Taliban are counting on banning music without any coercion. “Music is prohibited in Islam. We hope that we can peacefully convince people not to do such things, instead of putting pressure on them, ”he said.
The Taliban representative also touched upon the topic of women’s rights in Afghanistan. According to him, fears that the Taliban are forcing women not to leave the house and completely cover their faces are unfounded. The requirement that a male relative should accompany Afghan women on the street has been misinterpreted. We are only talking about trips for three days or more. “If they go to school, office, university, hospital, they don’t need a mahram (accompanying man),” he said.
Taliban after complete seizure of power in Afghanistan stated, which will allow women to lead an active lifestyle, but in compliance with Sharia. In 1996-2001, when the militants were already in power, women were forbidden to work and leave their homes without men. They were also required to wear a burqa. Last week, reports of offenses committed against Afghan women have already begun to arrive. For example, in Faryab province, militants killed a mother of four children for refusal to cook food, and in Takhara, a local resident was killed for the fact that she was without a burqa.
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