A year and a half ago, our colleague Ruslana Shaveddinova kidnapped. On December 23, 2019, the electricity in his apartment went out. His cell phone stopped working: the operator suddenly suspended service – there is no network, and that’s it. Door sawed out, security forces broke into the apartment, turned everything upside down, and took away the equipment. Then they were handcuffed, taken out and taken under escort to the airport.

Then there was a regular scheduled plane to Arkhangelsk – in handcuffs and under the supervision of police and military… And then – a special flight to the Arctic, to the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Ruslan spent a year on Novaya Zemlya – he served in the army.

More precisely, it was only called “service”. In reality, everything was somewhat different.
Immediately, a special person was assigned to Ruslan, a contractor, who recorded his every step on camera. Ruslan ate, slept, sat in class – there was always a man with a camera next to him. Then these frames found themselves in the Kremlin media with notes on how Ruslan is having a great time in the Arctic.

All efforts were made to ensure that Shaveddinov could not call anyone. Didn’t get an iPhone from somewhere on the Arctic island to send a criminal message. Soldier for communicating with him punished… They, strangers, had their phones taken and broken so that they would not give him a call in any way. And then they generally started jamming cellular communications in the entire unit.
Soon Ruslan was sent to live in a barrel 300 kilometers from the nearest settlement. There was a makeshift kitchen for preparing canned goods and a bedroom with a portrait of Putin and an icon. To get water, you had to melt the snow. It was impossible to go outside at night – polar bears roamed around. Moreover, there was no connection there.

This service format was invented especially for him. In fact, there was no service at all – it was arrest and exile. For the fact that he worked for the Anti-Corruption Foundation. For the fact that he worked for Navalny, recorded videos, campaigned. Shaveddinov was a political enemy, which means that the army for him is not a “service to the fatherland”, but a way to take revenge.

The command on Novaya Zemlya told him in plain text that his position was really special. There is a person who regularly calls and gives orders to his account. A big boss with general’s stars, who, instead of dealing with his general affairs, was engaged in worsening the life of Private Shaveddinov. And the name of this chief is Andrey Valerievich Kartapolov.

Deputy Minister of Defense. Deputy responsible for patriotic education in the ranks of the armed forces. Political instructor. And it was he who controlled this wild special operation in the barrel. Six months later, when they were kidnapped in the same way and taken to the army our other colleague, Artyom Ionov, to Chukotka, he is exactly the same explained: sorry, nothing personal, Colonel-General Kartapolov is monitoring and asks for reports on your location.
We are telling you all this for a reason. Deputy Defense Minister Kartapolov is going to the State Duma. His name is on the Moscow list of candidates from United Russia.

Formally Kartapolov is an chief main military-political department… This department is engaged in military-patriotic education. Responsible for the moral and ideological component in the Russian Army. This management is actually new – it has existed for only 3 years. But in fact, this is the reincarnation of the famous Soviet military-political administration, which was engaged in political propaganda and party agitation in the Soviet Army.

Now the ideology is that Russia is surrounded by enemies, the whole world has declared war on Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to build churches, pray, kiss the relics and love Putin very, very much. It is these braces that Kartapolov is watching.
Remember, for example, Putin wrote an article about Ukraine? Well, I wrote and wrote, laughed and forgot. And the soldier now make in the classroom on political education to study and take notes. They are seated like schoolchildren and ordered to memorize the words of the leader.
Or worse. By words Kartapolov himself, in order to teach the soldiers wisdom, they are shown the program “Besogon” by Nikita Mikhalkov. Together they watch the episodes, and then analyze. And it works.

Kartapolov is an one of the main curators of the construction of the temple of the armed forces, you certainly saw him.

In icon cases (where the relics of saints are usually located), there are fragments of a parachute cable. Or a piece of the ANT-2 plane. Lattices from war trophies, in the museum you can see Hitler’s cap.

There is the main icon presented by Putin. He paid 14 million “personal funds” for it, that is, almost two annual salaries. Didn’t stint. She written on the boards of a gun carriage from the times of the Battle of Poltava. Planks fastened between themselves with rifle butts from soldiers who fought in the Great Patriotic War.

This icon was painted, and then for another year and a half Kartapolov took it by plane to military garrisons from Crimea to Vladivostok and admired it. Drove on a Ministry of Defense plane, with a grand welcome at every airport. To local temples drove crowds of soldiers and children from the Youth Armyso that they touch the icon of Putin. How much this tour cost the Ministry of Defense is scary to imagine. Moreover, the only declared goal is for the icon to return to the temple “prayed”.
You’ve probably heard about mosaic panels too. With Putin. Patrushev. Bortnikov. Lavrov and Shoigu.

And they were with Stalin too. Everyone was very surprised then: well, where is the temple, and where is Stalin.

In response, our today’s hero Kartapolov saidthat “Stalin is our supreme commander-in-chief, who” bore the brunt of the war “and religion in general Stalin returned… And all those who are dissatisfied with Stalin behave like this at the behest of some gentlemen from across the hill.
He [Сталин] he bore the brunt of the war, took the most responsible decisions. And in general, he returned religion. Why should we be ashamed of him? Due to the fact that some gentlemen from across the hill tell us to do this? We ourselves will figure out whom to honor, whom to depict on the frescoes.
Well, his main project is Youth Army. I don’t want to draw unpleasant parallels, but this is such a paramilitary movement for children 8 to 18 years old.

On their website against the background of shooting tanks and military aircraft, it is said that they teach kindness, sympathy and love. Formally, the movement is voluntary, but in fact it is compulsory. For example, letter with the demand of Kartapolov to drive all the officers’ children into the Yunarmiya. Whether you want or not, join. Daddy’s boss gave orders. And the same with schools… Under various pretexts and various tricks, schoolchildren are forced to join. To listen deputies and priests who tell them about the holy war. The Youth Army has almost million schoolchildren. They are brainwashed from the age of 8, and they themselves are happy: children with weapons, how wonderful! how patriotic!

And if Colonel-General Kartapolov has taken up the upbringing of a million other people’s children, then we cannot but ask a logical question – how does he bring up his own?
It is very difficult to find at least some information about Kartapolov himself. Even not, it is very difficult to find at least some information about someone in the Ministry of Defense who holds a leading position. Dollar millionaire Sergei Shoigu, who really does not like it when people find out about how he lives, his children and mistresses, decided that we, ordinary Russians, do not need to know how he and his generals live. Therefore, by 2021 classified just about everything. Purchases? Classified. Suppliers? Classified. Names in the rosregister? Classified…
For example, this is the dacha of Deputy Shoigu, General Tsalikov.
This house and a huge plot on Rublevka are worth more than he earned in his entire life. We calculated this dacha by the area in declarations Tsalikov. V statement instead of his name – the Russian Federation. Oh, you learned to find by footage, they thought? AND classified now the declarations themselves. Now the deputy of Shoigu, including our today’s hero-political instructor Kartapolov, simply do not report publicly about their income. Their names were erased from the general list of declarations. For this and all previous years.
But this, of course, will not stop us. Andrei Kartapolov lives here, in an elite house in the very center of Moscow in Ruzheiny Lane.

Apartment of 112 m2 to him issued Ministry of Defense in 2016.
But it was registered elsewhere, on Znamenka Street.

This is the building of the Ministry of Defense. Hundreds of servicemen with their families are registered there, including his daughter, Varvara Andreevna Kartapolova, who was once registered there. Date of birth – April 18, 1987.

Barbara, by her age, obviously missed the opportunity to join the Youth Army, but it’s still interesting what she does.
We take her TIN, assigned to her in 2003 under the old name. And we see that the name has changed to Guryanova Varvara Andreevna.

The first thing we see is that she is a professional dog breeder.

She has her own nursery in Rostov-on-Don, where service dogs are bred – shepherds and Newfoundlands. Barbara herself instagram calls herself a crazy dog breeder – and the truth is, she has solid dogs, exhibitions and cups in her tape.

We check her phone number, it is listed on the kennel’s website. And in the ads, too – some dogs, dogs, dogs. Well, the aquarium is still selling.

In principle, everything looks harmless enough – he lives his usual life in Rostov-on-Don. He does not drive around the capital on a Maybach, but actually breeds and sells puppies. An unexpectedly modest occupation for the general’s daughter.
But … Always in our investigations at this place but. In July 2019, the professional interests of our breeder changed dramatically and unexpectedly. She became a co-owner of an engineering plant located a thousand kilometers from Rostov and her nursery!

And not just a factory. Kartapolov’s daughter owns a share in Brasovsky Mashzavod LLC. Very little has been written about this plant on the Internet, and if you get acquainted with them website, it will become clear why.

In addition to metal structures, pipeline fittings and all kinds of valves, the plant is engaged in the production of, for example, special ammunition containers… Sealed ammunition packaging with toxic substances, that is, containers for the transport of chemical weapons. If it seems to you that they lied, then look – they absolutely officially have license from the FSB and the Ministry of Defense to work with a state secret.

It gets even worse. “Brasovsky Mashzavod”, where the daughter of the Deputy Minister of the Defense Ministry has a share, also serves … the Ministry of Defense.

They design and manufacture equipment for special fortifications. Special fortifications are secret capital facilities of the Ministry of Defense, all kinds of bunkers, underground command posts, communications centers, shelters and ammunition storage sites. Such top-secret and over-fortified objects that can withstand anything – and an earthquake, and an attack and a missile strike.
And it’s funny that, with all this secrecy, they write right on the site of the plant – they made such and such a valve here, such and such a device here. Code “Deposit”, code “Pointer”, code “Knowledge”.

Right now, by the way, Brasovsky Mashzavod continues to fulfill orders of the Ministry of Defense, is building something for the facilities of the Strategic Missile Forces.

And this is how it turns out to be uncomfortable and unpleasant. Kartapolov is literally the person who teaches us how to love our homeland. Already, almost a million Yunarmeys are teaching some of their values and how to worship relics. Tells about patriotism and love in the fatherland. And he built his child on this fatherland to earn money on contracts.
Now he will be in the State Duma, where a warm chair of the head of the defense committee has been prepared for him, and will continue to hold the icons with one hand and steal with the other.
Whether he gets into the State Duma or not depends on you. The fewer Muscovites vote for United Russia, the greater the chance that Kartapolov will not be elected. Let’s take this chance, come and vote against United Russia. Join the Smart voting… Download the application (in apple store or google play). There is no need to register, you do not need to leave any data, just do not forget to see who the candidate from Smart Voting in your district is on election day and vote.
Freedom for Alexei Navalny.
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