The Moscow City Court recognized as legal the refusal to register as a candidate for the State Duma of Muscovite Roman Yuneman. About this TASS reported Valery Lazarev, head of the court’s press service. “The Moscow City Court considered the claim of Roman Yuneman to the election commission because of the refusal to register. He was denied the satisfaction of his demands, ”Lazarev said.
Sam Roman Ûneman explainedthat the refusal to register was due to the fact that some of the collected signatures were rejected due to outdated information in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is being updated “very badly”.
On August 13, the district election commission for the Chertanovsky single-mandate constituency No. 210 in Moscow refused the self-nominated candidate Roman Yuneman to register for the elections, citing violations in the preparation and filling out of subscription lists. In addition, 11% of the submitted signatures were considered invalid.
The district commission also applied to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request to verify the accuracy of the information specified in the subscription lists of Yuneman. Based on the results of the audit, it was concluded that the candidate “deliberately produced and used, in violation of the electoral legislation, the forms of signature lists of an unidentified form”. It was also argued that Yuneman’s signature lists contained “an illegal additional column in which personal data of voters, which were not provided for by law, were entered, including telephone numbers, which could be qualified as a violation of legislation on personal data.”
Yuneman disagreed with the refusal to register and filed a lawsuit with the Moscow City Court. The court session lasted more than five hours. The court considered all the testimonies from the plaintiff proving numerous errors in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – both the videotapes of the voters, and notarized copies of passports. However, the claim was dismissed.
According to Roman Yuneman, he and his supporters analyzed the data of the “rejected” voters, who reached the notary and left copies of their passports to the collectors. “Almost all“ rejected ”people from the“ invalid address ”category have changed their registration in recent years. And “invalid address” is the largest category of marriage, – the politician explained. – The answer is simple – the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is being updated very badly. Apparently, most of those who have changed their registration address in recent years have been included in the database with the old registration. Hence, there is a large percentage of defects. “
With this level of police bureaucracy, it is either impossible or almost impossible to collect 15,000 signatures without exceeding the minimum allowable marriage rate. “Unless, of course, there is no political decision for you to ‘allow the elections’,” says Roman Yuneman.
Or collectors need to additionally check in the voters’ passports that the registration has not changed at least for the last 3-4 years, or even better – for the last 10 years, Roman Yuneman believes. The very refusal to register due to “and we have curves of the base”, he considers “a uniform mockery.”
The oppositionist will appeal against the decision of the Moscow City Court in the First Court of Appeal.
Elections to the State Duma of the eighth convocation are scheduled for a single voting day – September 19, 2021. They will take place over three days – September 17, 18 and 19.
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