The person who said that he sailed to Japan from Kunashir and asked for political asylum may be a resident of Yuzhno-Kurilsk, Vaas Phoenix Nokard, told RIA Novosti source familiar with the situation. “Looks like he got there in a wetsuit. I just took and crossed the 24-kilometer strait by swimming, ”the interlocutor explained. However, he has no exact information about the personality of the “swimmer”.
Before sailing to Japan, the Russian left the motorcycle on the shore and asked a friend to pick it up for sale, and then send the proceeds to him. “The ‘defector’ wrote to another friend that he was already far away and asked not to wait,” the source said.
He said that in 2011, Vaas Fenix Nokard (formerly Vladimir) was deported from Japan for violating the visa regime. In addition, he was allegedly detained in Thailand and Bali for forging documents. “He lived in the Kuril Islands for three years, did not work anywhere, lived in Golovnino, slept in a tent, or whoever he met – he settled down there,” the agency’s interlocutor described the life of a man.
On Saturday, Japanese media reported that a man who identified himself as a citizen of Russia sailed from Kunashira to Hokkaido in search of political asylum. The Japanese Immigration Service will verify his identity and citizenship. At the same time, the Russian Consulate General in Sapporo said that the Japanese side refused to provide official information about this person. Nevertheless, the diplomats expressed their readiness to meet with the man, if his Russian citizenship is confirmed.
38-year-old Vaas Phoenix Nokard is a native of Udmurtia, wrote formerly “Telegraph”. In Izhevsk, he worked in the technical support department of Rostelecom. In 2017, Vaas Phoenix reserved a Far Eastern hectare for himself on the island of Kunashir, near the village of Golovnino, and was able to register this plot as property. The man managed to do this in a short period of time from 1 to 18 February, when it was still possible to choose a site on one of the Kuril Islands on the State Services website. Then, after the intervention of the Ministry of Defense, “this shop was closed.” A few months later, Vaas-Phoenix, taking with him only clothes, food and tools, moved to the Kuriles with 7.5 thousand rubles in his pocket.