– In one of the photographs that appear in court, he has a T-shirt with the emblem of the FSB Special Assignments Center.
– It is worth remembering that the FSB “Pennant”, which is now part of the CSN, was first spotted in Afghanistan. Vadim got to Afghanistan at the very end. He was educated at the Ryazan Airborne School, and as a young officer he passed through Afghanistan.
– Then he was just a paratrooper?
– Yes, then he got there and there was first blood and everything else. This is due to the fact that he has the “Pennant” emblem on all T-shirts. He brought some calendars, T-shirts, and we once said about this that this is a structure with which he is friends. At that moment, however, he said that he did not quite serve in it.
– If not in it, then where?
– At the beginning of our conversation, he said: “Let’s come to an agreement – you don’t ask me questions about my work, because I won’t tell the truth, and I don’t want to lie”. It intrigued me immediately. At first I thought that he was just in the FSO and was riding with Putin, ensuring his safety, and then I see that he does not agree – Putin is there, and he is on a business trip. There I start to invent and add everything to myself.
– That is, he himself never said anything about some of his own?
– Minimum. Only when we could see each other there several times at the table, go to the bathhouse, have a drink. Once, for example, we started talking about the French Legion. In my youth, I had a desire to enroll there. They caught on with their tongues, and he competently says, they say, I went there and all that, and then hop – stopped and drove on. But he knew everything about me and that also said a lot. He said: “I know about you here, here and there” – and once he gave out my story. It was possible to know this only when entering some services – he called, they gave you some kind of questionnaire and told everything.
– Did he mention the awards?
– We had about awards twice. One of the former presidents of Kyrgyzstan, I don’t remember which one, awarded him with a pistol. He went on business trips there quite often, there were some difficult moments, a revolution, he helped to take him out. And there was also a moment – a photograph came into our family where he was in a civilian jacket, but with awards. What awards there were – I did not remember, it was only clear that they were not jubilee, real.
– Where is this photo now?
– Parents tore apart during a search.
– That means that Krasikov himself did not tell much about the service.
– How to say. All the time we went to the bathhouse and there were very detailed and interesting conversations, sober and drunk. We then had Yanukovych, whom I despised all the time, because for me it was a caretaker from some Donbass, and they had Putin. And once I say: “You have such a capable Putin there,” and he says: “None of them is capable,” and begins to tell me for him. And I say: “You speak as if you know something about Putin,” and he: “Yes, I know.” Word for word, and he tells me what, where and how.
– Did he have a negative attitude towards Putin?
– He had an objective attitude towards Putin. Then there was no war yet, but he already knew a lot.
– What exactly did he say about Putin?
– That they had some kind of communication format. I don’t know the details. But when Vadim and I were shooting at the shooting range (by the way, he shoots very well), it turned out that he had seen how Putin was shooting and, according to him, he was shooting well. I then blamed it all on the fact that he was a FSO officer, and only then I realized that this did not fit in his business trips. And Vadim had a lot of business trips, he, in his own words, flew around the whole world.
– Have you seen him often?
– Since 2010, he flew in every year, before the events of Euromaidan. I myself was on the Maidan then, and I even had a feeling, I even told Dasha: “You know, it feels like Vadim is looking at me through the sight”. Why did I say that? It’s just when you see the silhouette of a person and know his springy gait, how he moves his shoulders. Their faces were all covered. At this time, they told their parents that they had gone to rest somewhere with their family, and that they had gone to some hot country. And then, towards the end of the Euromaidan, they appear in our Kharkiv, arriving by car with Ukrainian license plates.
– Was Vadim Krasikov in Ukraine in 2014?
— 100%
– In what month?
– I think it was in January. They said that they had left for some hot country, but then it turned out that they were in Kiev, and then they got worried that against the background of all the events they would look askance at Vadim with his obvious Russian accent, the neighbors had already begun to say “out, Russians the officers arrived, ”and they left for Kharkov.
– Was it still winter?
– It was mid-January 2014, that is, even before they started firing there. And they came for a short time, and somehow Katya herself said to her parents: “How does Sasha feel about Vadim?”, And they: “Why did you ask the question like that?” “Well, we have all these collapses there, troubles are coming.” We met and talked normally. There was a situation in my presence – the phone rings, he picks up the phone, talked to someone, then immediately broke the phone, broke the card and threw it into the trash. I watch and filter it all. Another interesting point – he asked me if I could recognize the region of Ukraine by the car number. And in his trunk, I saw several different license plates.
– Is this all winter 2014?
– Yes, as Putin said: “Patriotic officers saved Mr. President Yanukovych.” I personally think Vadim was one of them, also patriotic. Somehow everything fits together too much. And at the end of 2014 there was some kind of turmoil, and then he received some awards, I do not know for what and which ones.
– Were there any other oddities like “broke the phone”?
– Back in 2012, he asked me where in Ukraine you can buy a pistol. I was surprised, asked which gun, he said that it is desirable “Glock”. I said I was asking the guys around and hushed up this conversation.
– So did you understand exactly where he served?
– Logic and events tells me that he works on special operations. The fact that he was and is an active officer of the special services does not raise the slightest doubt. When you look at a person, you always understand how he behaves – he always had a tough regime, he is always strong, fit and agile, he has his own style of conversation. From what division he is, I will not say, he comes from “Vympel”. We sit with him somehow, we talk about health, behind our knees, and he says: “I squat like this,” and I say: “You squat wrong.” He says: “Yes, we have such men in our division, they are 70 years old,” I say: “So 70 years are already pensioners,” and he: “No, we have no pensioners”. I cannot tell the names of this team, the names of the people. Yes, there were photographs at the wedding, there was a video where you caught a glimpse of someone. His group was there, some general came, appeared and disappeared.
– Was the last time he was in Ukraine in 2014?
– Yes, then I did not appear. Then my sister did not come. As soon as the war began, they were banned, and their passports were taken away.
– They have a good relationship, does Vadim have with his wife?
– I believe that they had a normal relationship, but I do not know what is happening today. I admit that she was sure that he was a special services officer. What happens to her now when she found out that her husband is a real killer? I can understand war – it’s scary, it’s terrible, but it’s soldiers who are fighting. I can understand the officers of the special services, but I cannot understand the executioners. That is, it turns out that he came to any country and killed any person at the request of Putin.
– Is there any communication between the sisters now?
– As soon as we were searched, they immediately completely closed. I suspect they have changed their address in Crimea.
– After the Berlin murder, did the sisters manage to talk about something with each other?
– We communicated quite thoroughly and for a long time. After the murder, Katya began to say: “Vadik stayed on a business trip”. Everything is already very clear to me, but I am silent. My wife is tall, but she is like a child. How do I tell her?
– But at some point you said?
– About six months before I told her: “Dasha, accept the information. It’s hard for me to bear, you are waiting for something, and events are developing in this way. ” Showed her the information, she looked. She took it adequately. When they came with a search, she already understood everything and spoke negatively about him, because because of him troubles came to us.
– When you showed the information about the murder, what emotions did she have?
– Well, as always, she cried, lamented, but only in the direction of her sister. She understands that if tomorrow Themis of Germany works correctly, then he will have life. In fact, the little one was left without a father.
– After she found out, did she manage to discuss this situation with your sister?
– There has never been a dialogue about this topic at all. When they came to us with searches, the father-in-law and mother-in-law remembered that “Katya told us that if something happens to you, you don’t go anywhere, don’t hire a lawyer, let everything go as it is.” Katya has never given a signal during this time that this is the situation.
– In 2011, as you say, he showed the identity card of a special services employee, but at the time of the murder, do you think he was still an employee or already a veteran?
– I only know that in 2016 he was given an award and a new military rank of colonel, I tell him: “Can I congratulate you? You are already a colonel. And what is not a general? “, And he says:” Well, I’m probably not such a scoundrel like everyone else. “
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