Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held in Moscow press conference after almost three hours of negotiations. The head of the Federal Republic of Germany said that she considers the verdict of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny to be “unacceptable” and advocates his release. Putin, in his speech at the press conference, did not mention that they discussed Navalny, informs “Rain”.
When a German journalist asked about Navalny, Putin said, again without mentioning his name, that the “defendant” was not convicted of political activity, but “for a criminal violation” from which “foreign partners” suffered.
Angela Merkel suggested that Putin remove three German NGOs from the list of “unwanted” in Russia.
The heads of state also mentioned the problem of corruption. “The fight against corruption is a very important thing. But it should not be used as an instrument of political struggle, ”Putin said. – This toolkit is used to achieve political goals and is recommended for use to achieve political goals by those organizations that lead the activities of people of this kind. Although the fight against corruption is a very important thing in itself, we pay great attention to it ”.
Merkel, speaking about the relationship between corruption and the political system, mentioned Alexei Navalny’s demand to expand sanctions. “It is not so easy to combine economic corruption and sanctions, but we talked about it in the EU. Because corruption and political activity are linked, ”she added.
Putin said to this that the fight against corruption should be people who themselves impeccably comply with the law.
At the beginning of the talks, Putin noted that Germany remains one of the main partners for the Russian Federation both in Europe and in the world as a whole. “In the country dimension, Germany is for us the second trade and economic partner after China. Despite the fact that in 2020 we had a rather serious recession, now there is almost a twofold increase in trade turnover in the first six months, ”the president added. His words leads Kremlin website.
Angela Merkel said that the leaders of Russia and Germany have “disagreements”, but “we intend to continue to maintain contact and talk with each other.” Among the topics that the parties touch upon in the negotiations, the chancellor, according to the Kremlin’s website, mentioned Afghanistan, issues related to civil society, cooperation in the field of trade.
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