Former Afghan women’s soccer team captain Khalida Popal urged other athletes to remove social media and photos and burn their soccer kits for safety. About it informs The Guardian.
In an interview with the publication, Popal said that since Taliban fighters have killed, raped and stoned women in the past, football players should be wary of the same in the future. The ex-captain added that she always tried to give confidence to women, urged them to “be strong, courageous and noticeable”, but this time she thinks differently.
“Today I call them and ask them to remove any personal information from the public domain for their own safety. I even ask them to burn the form. And it hurts me as an activist who did everything possible so that a woman could play in the national football team, ”Popal said.
Recall that the Taliban terrorist movement ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, adhering to harsh Islamic laws. Girls were not allowed to go to school, women were not allowed to work. They could leave the house only accompanied by male relatives, it was imperative to wear a burqa. Women violating these rules were humiliated and beaten.
The terrorists have previously stated that they will allow women to work on TV and in the government. The group has promised to respect their rights “on condition that they wear a veil.” However, in recent days it became known cases of harassment women. Even before the Taliban took Kabul, many women were removed from work in television and in the banking sector. Cases of sexual slavery and forced marriage have become more frequent.
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