The raging fires in France have caused serious damage to winemakers in Provence. About it informs BFM TV.
As the TV channel clarifies, most vineyards resisted the elements, but some producers in Provence lost all agricultural equipment and outbuildings a couple of weeks before the harvest.
It is noteworthy that even those who suffered little damage speak of a catastrophe. According to the producers, it will now be very difficult, if not impossible, to eliminate the burning taste in the famous Provencal wine “Côte de Provence”.
The spread of fire in the region, in addition to intense heat and wind, was facilitated by the fact that most of the vineyards are located in a protected natural area, where felling for fire strips is prohibited.
The day before, it was reported that in the fires that broke out in Provence, at least one person died and 27 were injured. More than 7 thousand people were evacuated.
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