Founder of the opposition Telegram channel Nexta Roman Protasevich announced on Twitter microblogging about the creation of “my new author’s project” called Sprava. He assures that there “will be a lot of interesting things, especially insiders, exclusives and the author’s opinion.”
First fast in Sprava is dedicated to the future pardon of participants in the “failed revolution”. According to the channel’s author, a list of 100 names has been compiled. It included those who “repented of their actions”, including the blogger Igor Losik, who spent more than a year in jail. The same list includes journalists and human rights activists. They may be released before the end of the year.
“The time for enmity is passing. The authorities understand this and are ready to enter into dialogue. The condition is one and the most simple – to admit your mistakes and guilt … If the practice of realizing and frankly admitting your guilt becomes successful, we should expect the release of more people, “- said in a message from Sprava.
We will remind, Roman Protasevich was under investigation together with his girlfriend, a Russian woman Sophia Sapega. To arrest the couple, the Belarusian authorities carried out a whole special operation, which caused an international scandal. On May 23, a Ryanair plane en route Athens – Vilnius landed at the Minsk airport after receiving a message about mining. On the instructions of Alexander Lukashenko, a fighter was raised to accompany the passenger plane. Lukashenka personally gave the command to land the plane.
On board the plane were the founder of the opposition Telegram channel Nexta Roman Protasevich and Sofya Sapega. They were arrested.
Protasevich was accused of inciting social hostility, organizing riots and organizing actions that grossly violate public order. And Sophia Sapega was charged with inciting social hostility, as well as participating in riots.
Protasevich and Sapega began to cooperate with the investigation and were released under house arrest. Roman Protasevich has appeared in the state media of Belarus on several occasions. On the air of the ONT TV channel, he saidthat he respects Alexander Lukashenko and considers him “a man with eggs of steel.” Protasevich also criticized the Belarusian opposition. In the frame, the journalist appeared with traces of handcuffs, and Roman’s relatives expressed doubts that he spoke of his own free will.
August 10 Sofia Sapega appeared on the air of the show “This is different” on the state TV channel “Belarus 1”. In an interview, the Russian woman spoke about the events of May 23. According to Sapieha, “from the conversations with Roman it was concluded” that “someone from the working collective” of Protasevich was involved in the landing of the Ryanair plane in Minsk. She added that “no KGB officers on the plane did anything to us.” “They weren’t there,” the Russian woman emphasized.
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