The director of the Novosibirsk Open College, Sergei Chernyshov, was summoned “for a conversation” with the investigator for especially important cases of the regional department of the RF IC. A pre-investigation check is being carried out against the historian, the reason for which was his post on Facebook with a mention of Alexander Nevsky and an assessment of his activities. With his publication of June 11, Chernyshov commented on plans to rename the Novosibirsk Sverdlov Square to Alexander Nevsky Square. The historian told The Insider about how the second “conversation” with the investigator took place on August 17.
– Tell us what was there.
– There was nothing special, we talked, he asked me what I meant. I told him that’s all. He did not report on his further actions.
– That is, you told what you wrote about in your post?
– Yes, only more detailed.
– And how did it end? Should you wait for any further action?
– Now we have to decide whether they will initiate a criminal case or not.
– Criminal case under what article in general? About what?
– As far as I understand, we are talking about the fact that they are checking this case for violation of Article 351, paragraph 1, where insult to the defenders of the fatherland and disrespectful attitude to military glory, which refers to the Battle of the Ice. And second, this is Article 148, insulting the feelings of believers. Alexander Nevsky is canonized here.
– Did he give you any dates?
– No, he did not name anything. Now they have to make a decision on whether they will give this case a course or not. Obviously, they must accept this on the basis of what, for example, on the basis of an examination, as in the case of Andrei Pozdnyakov. A linguistic examination was carried out there. A month ago it was the same. The same investigator was. Then Novosibirsk ethnographer Andrey Pozdnyakov wrote column about the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and he was summoned for the same article. There it was so that a linguistic examination was appointed, no insult was revealed there, they did not initiate a case, and that was all.
– How was the investigator set up according to your feelings?
– Yes, he behaved correctly, like any investigator.
In the publication dated June 11, Sergey Chernyshov wrote: “The choice between Sverdlov and Nevsky is a choice between a terrorist and a collaborationist. The first is a classic bandit who, on a revolutionary wave, accidentally fell into the supreme power. The second is a classic collaborator who sold out to the conquerors [монголам] for the status (now they would say – Vlasovite). And both of them (or rather, the images we are discussing) are the fruit of the fantasies of the propagandists of the Soviet era. If everything is clear with the bandit, then the case with Nevsky is generally unique, this is perhaps the only episode (Battle on the Ice) that got into history textbooks straight from the movie screens. And no one has yet proved that there was something other than the fantasy of Sergei Eisenstein. “
According to Chernyshov, the politicization of history, that is, its interpretation for the sake of some momentary needs, has always existed. But now the problem is not in the politicization itself, but in the fact that the rules of the game are suddenly changing and there are more and more taboo topics. “We, historians, run like mice in a labyrinth, but they accidentally shock us, but we do not understand why they are hitting right now. Why suddenly it was Alexander Nevsky who so excited and offended everyone? Why the Battle on the Ice? A few years ago, no one cared about this “, – Sergey Chernyshov wonders, commenting on ongoing “Republic. Books “.
The initiative to rename Sverdlov Square in Novosibirsk in the spring of 2021 was put forward by the local branch of the Russian Military Historical Society, which is chaired by former Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky. The head of the Novosibirsk branch of the RVIO, vice-speaker of the regional parliament, Andrei Panferov, enlisted the support of Metropolitan Nikodim of Novosibirsk and Berdsk, writes Kommersant. “Considering the importance of the name of Alexander Nevsky for the city of Novosibirsk and our entire fatherland, I fully support your initiative,” the metropolitan wrote to the politician, adding that the Novosibirsk diocese had already addressed the mayor of Novosibirsk Anatoly Lokot with such an initiative a year ago. According to the clergyman, “the holy noble prince is a vivid example of a patriot and ruler who laid down his life on the altar of serving the fatherland.”
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