The Proletarsky District Court of Tver recovered 500 thousand rubles from the ex-head of Navalny’s headquarters, Leonid Volkov, at the suit of businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is also known as “Putin’s chef”. About collection of funds reported press service of the court.
The meeting was held behind closed doors. The decision was taken by judge Nadezhda Leontyeva. The defendant is obliged not only to pay compensation, but also to “remove the relevant publications and refute the information that is inaccurate, discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of the plaintiff by posting a refutation with the verbatim citation of the text of the operative part of the judgment and keeping the refutation for one year from the date of it. placement “.
The case file refers to the publications of Leonid Volkov on Facebook and Telegram. The court did not say about their content. In Prigozhin’s group on VKontakte approvedthat Volkov in his posts called the businessman “the organizer and actual executor of the murder of journalists in the CAR”.
In April, representatives of Yevgeny Prigozhin also published a decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to initiate a libel case against a businessman against Volkov (part 5 of Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code). According to the document, he was brought in because of Volkov’s post that Prigozhin was “a particularly dangerous criminal convicted of numerous crimes,” “a murderer, orchestrated a murder [журналистов Орхана] Jemal, [Александра] Rastorguev and [Кирилла] Radchenko in the Central African Republic two years ago “,” maintains a troll factory and a private military company “,” and he is also a fat troll who revels in PR “, writes Mediazona.
Earlier, the courts also satisfied Prigozhin’s claims to defend the honor of the opposition leader Alexey Navalny and his other associates (Love Sable, Vladimir Milov), as well as to the news agency “Medusa” because of the biography of a businessman. In October 2019, more than 87 million rubles were collected from Sobol and Navalny in favor of the Moscow Schoolboy food plant, which they associated with Prigozhin and accused of poisoning children with low-quality food.
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