July 2021 was the hottest month on the planet in the entire history of observing the weather. About this on Friday reported US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
According to the department, the total temperature of the surface of the earth and the ocean recorded by it in July was 0.93 degrees Celsius higher than the average temperature in the 20th century, which was 15.8 degrees Celsius.
The agency has been monitoring the weather since 1880. The previous record temperature in July was recorded in 2016, then the same figure was reached in 2019 and 2020, transfers TASS. The current record exceeds the rates of those years by 0.01 degrees Celsius.
For Asia, July 2021 was the hottest month, and for Europe, the record remains for July 2018). In North America, South America, Oceania and Africa, the past month entered only the top ten hottest.
As Rick Spinrad, a spokesman for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, explained, the temperature record in July was another warning to all mankind about the danger of global warming. Specialists of this department predict that 2021 will enter the ten warmest years on record.
In this week’s “apocalyptic” UN climate report celebratedthat the processes of global warming have become irreversible. Forecasts show that under the current environmental policy of the authorities of different countries, catastrophic scenarios will be realized, which envisage a warming of 2.7 ° C or even 5.7 ° C by 2100. This can be caused, for example, by the progressive emission of greenhouse methane from the melting permafrost with a simultaneous decrease in the absorptive capacity of the biosphere.
Obvious global consequences of climate change: extreme high temperatures in some regions of the world, loss of Arctic ice and forest extinction. Sea levels will rise for hundreds or thousands of years even if global warming stops. With rapid warming, sea levels could rise by 15 meters by 2300.
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