The Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, which is home to over a million people, topped the world ranking of cities with the most polluted atmosphere. About it testify data from the IQAir project from AirVisual. Fires in Yakutia have recently become a serious factor affecting the cleanliness of the air in Krasnoyarsk.
As of 10:00, the air quality index (AQI) in Krasnoyarsk was 592 units, in the afternoon it dropped to 266 units, but then rose again to 453. With such indicators, Krasnoyarsk is by far ahead of the list. They are followed by Pakistani Lahore, the capital of Peru, Lima, Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, Kabul in Afghanistan and Calcutta in India. In all these cities, AQI exceeded 150 points during the first half of the day. This concentration of harmful substances is considered dangerous.
The site for public monitoring of the atmosphere “Krasnoyarsk. Sky” shows increased pollution in all areas of the city.
The mode of unfavorable meteorological conditions (NMU, “black sky”), introduced in Krasnoyarsk from August 7 to 10, was extended until 19:00 local time on August 11. Forecasters noted that now there is no wind that can disperse smoke from fires in Yakutia. Experts predict a change in the weather on the 12th, when the wind should dispel the burnt, informs “Siberia. Realities”.
Due to smog in Krasnoyarsk on August 10, 15 flights were delayed and 13 planes landed. Dozens of flights were delayed on Wednesday. Smoke from a fire in Yakutia spread throughout Siberia and beyond, reaching the Urals, the North Pole, Kazakhstan.
Last week, Rospotrebnadzor in the Krasnoyarsk Territory published data on the analysis of atmospheric air in the regional capital. According to hygienic standards, there is no excess of the most harmful substances and chemical compounds in the form of carbon oxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide in the city, the department noted. But suspended solids are 1.1-3.6 times more than the norm. The excess was directly related to forest fires in Yakutia.
On March 1, Krasnoyarsk also by a wide margin was in the lead in the rating of cities with the dirtiest atmosphere. At that time, its indicators were four times higher than the index of the city of Chiang Mai in Thailand. The NMU regime in Krasnoyarsk was introduced four times in 2021. Actions against air pollution are periodically held in the city.
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