In June, 27,118 patients with coronavirus died in Russia, which is 45% more than in May. should from Rosstat data.
According to the department, COVID-19 was the leading cause of death in almost 20 thousand cases, which is 52.8% more than in the previous month. In May, the death rate did not exceed 14 thousand.
In nearly three thousand people, the coronavirus is considered the main cause of death, but more research is needed to confirm this fact. In 881 cases, COVID-19 was a concomitant disease and contributed to the appearance of complications against the background of the underlying disease.
June 23 Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin stated on the explosive growth in the incidence of coronavirus in Russia. According to her, over the last June, mortality from coronavirus increased by 21.3%, in July this figure dropped to 13.9%.
For several weeks in July, the death rate from coronavirus in Russia did not exceed 800 people per day. However, demographer Alexey Raksha considersthat these numbers are “absolutely drawn.” In fact, according to his data, the death rate is kept at the level of 2,500 people per day.
According to him, the authorities will continue to smear the death rate data.
“In winter, they smeared until May, before a new wave, in May they showed more winter deaths. And now they will continue to do so, and there will be 800 deaths ad infinitum. I know for sure that now there are 2400-2500 deaths a day, ”he explained.
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