Novichok (Moscow) Times

life of political emigrants in Georgia

According to public figure and blogger Nikolai Levshits, more than a hundred people have moved from Russia to Georgia since the beginning of the year due to political persecution.

“Sometimes it happens, 20 people come a week, sometimes 10 a month. Someone sees Georgia as a transit point in order to live for 2-3 months without searches and detentions. Someone is planning to get documents and move to Europe, America. And thirdly, these are people who do not have clear plans, but have remote earnings, and they come for six months or a year, ”says Levshits.

The figure is also confirmed by Anton Mikhalchik, who has lived in Tbilisi for more than three years: “I personally know more than 70 people who have come here since the beginning of the year.”

The Insider learned how the political emigrants of the new wave live.

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