In fact, this is a purely technical solution – it simply implements the norms of the adopted draft law of Deputy Vyatkin. To comply with the law, it was necessary to determine the reporting forms. In its original form, the bill was supposed to be generally for any public event, but in the process of the so-called legislative activity, at least they set a threshold of five hundred people.
Now you need to open an account to finance some big event, and report on the results of its holding in the financial aspect – how much money was received and what it was spent on. All of this is reminiscent of the regulation of campaign finance. After all, the election campaign and one single event are of a different scale of action. But now the bureaucratic obstacles, which greatly interfere with the electoral legislation, have actually been transferred to the organization of a public event.
Of course, this complicates the process of organizing rallies. It does not give up, but makes it more laborious. These demands are completely absurd: no foreign agents and undesirable organizations have ever financed rallies, all the more directly. If someone gives money for an event, then he does it on his own behalf. The new requirements are aimed solely at making it difficult to hold public events. This does not make them impossible. Constant refusals to approve make them impossible.
The machine of prohibitions and restrictions can no longer stop. They scare themselves with all sorts of horrors about foreign funding of protest events (which, of course, does not exist) and they themselves react to these horror stories. Well, the harder the better.
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