In December last year, the court sentenced Alexander Shestun to 15 years in a strict regime colony, he also has to pay 49 million rubles. The ex-official was accused of bribery, fraud, money laundering and illegal participation in entrepreneurial activities (Article 289 of the Criminal Code).
Shestun considers his case to be politically motivated. A few months before his arrest, in the spring of 2018, Shestun published a video message to Vladimir Putin, in which told on coercion to resign under the threat of confiscation of the house and criminal prosecution. According to him, the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, sought his dismissal. In particular, the official posted a recording of a conversation with FSB General Tkachev, who blackmailed him and threatened to “roll” criminal cases if he did not resign.
March 25 Shestun began hunger strike due to repression by the leadership of the pre-trial detention center in Tver. Then he was placed in a punishment cell after he complained to members of the PMC about poor heating and torture conditions. On May 12, it became known that the administration of correctional colony No. 6 in the Tver region put Shestun on the professional account as prone to escape.
Shestun continues his hunger strike, demanding the cancellation of registration as prone to escape and improvement of living conditions for all prisoners. On the morning of July 30 also became knownthat the ex-head of the Serpukhov district was transported from the Torzhok prison hospital to the pre-trial detention center of Noginsk near Moscow.