The Dossier Center website was blocked in Russia at the request of the Tagansky Court of Moscow. About blocking a site reported in the project’s Telegram channel.
“We have not received any requests or notifications, so we do not know the formal reason for the blocking. But it is not important either: we were blocked not for any violations, but for the fact that we tell the truth about the unlawful deeds of FSB officers, close associates of Vladimir Putin and officials, and they are vindictive guys, “the Dossier Center team said in a statement. “.
According to representatives of the project, the decision to block the site could have been influenced by the excerpts from the conversations of FSB General Ivan Tkachev published by the Center.
Previously became knownthat the Prosecutor General’s Office entered into the register of prohibited information an article by the Dossier Center about the ex-head of the Serpukhov District of the Moscow Region, Alexander Shestun, and his relationship with the security forces. The article “Shestun’s case – FSB”, access to which is currently blocked, was published in the framework of the “Lubyanka Federation” project.