The European Court of Human Rights found Article 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“Prohibition of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”) violated in relation to Sergey Eroshenko, a resident of Orenburg, who was severely beaten by security forces in the police department 15 years ago … About it informs Committee Against Torture.
In the ruling, the court noted that “the Russian authorities did not conduct an effective investigation into the fact of torture,” and recognized the actions of law enforcement officers against Yeroshenko “inhuman and degrading”.
According to Yeroshenko, on the night of November 23-24, 2006, during his arrest, he was severely beaten by officers of the Organized Crime Department of the Orenburg Regional Internal Affairs Directorate. The beatings continued in the Akbulak ROVD itself, where he was taken immediately after his arrest.
Eroshenko also stressed that during the arrest, the security forces were drunk and, among other things, wanted to rape him with a rubber truncheon with a condom put on, but could not tear his clothes.
In addition, they demanded from Eroshenko that he confess that it was he who owned the weapon with which the crime was committed.
Later, Eroshenko was hospitalized. Doctors recorded that he had a closed craniocerebral injury, concussion, facial bruises, chest contusion, and numerous abrasions.
On November 28, Eroshenko was taken into custody on charges of extortion, ignored his stories of torture. Subsequently, Yeroshenko repeatedly tried to bring about a criminal case against the security forces, but he was refused all the time. The courts of the Orenburg region considered the version of Eroshenko untenable and recognized the refusal of the prosecutor’s office to initiate a case lawful and justified.
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