A member of the Pussy Riot group, Alexander Sofeev, who was released after another administrative arrest, left Russia. how told Open Media is an actionist himself; after leaving the special detention center on Monday, July 19, he was accompanied all day by four cars with policemen from the E (anti-extremism) center.
“Today, up to the airport parking, our car was followed by four cars, and after that the employees of the“ E ”center continued to silently watch me until the departure zone. And if there is a choice between a wonderful second special reception center and a vacation on the sea coast, then I tend to choose the second option, “said Alexander Sofeev before boarding the plane.
According to the activist, he does not consider himself a political emigrant and hopes that the baseless arrests of Pussy Riot members will end after the autumn elections to the State Duma. “I do not intend to leave Russia forever – this is my home and my heart,” he stressed.
Alexander Sofeev decided to go abroad after he was arrested for the second time in a row for 15 days (this was his fourth arrest since May). “We discussed the current situation with friends and came to the conclusion that we are specifically left with a certain time gap before the next detention, making it clear that we leave the country,” Sofeev explained. He is going to meet with Nika Nikulshina, an actionist who has already left the Russian Federation, and go to Georgia.
Also, after leaving the detention center, a member of the Pussy Riot group, director Anna Kuzminykh, announced her intention to leave Russia. She and Sofeyev were arrested twice under the article on non-compliance with the demands of the police.
July 19 after Russia’s release from arrest left Pussy Riot participant Nika Nikulshina and her lover, artist Roman Durov. On the way to the airport, they were followed by two cars “with numbers of non-existent regions,” and at the airport, the drivers of these cars “accompanied” Nikulshina before checking in for the flight, the actionist said.
On July 3, 2021, Nikulshina was arrested for 15 days under the article on disobedience to the police. The administrative protocol stated that Nikulshina and the artist Roman Durov, who was detained with her on July 2, “expressed gross obscene language” in a public place, did not show their documents to the police and refused to go with the security forces to the Interior Ministry department. Prior to that, the actionist was detained on June 16 and subsequently arrested for 15 days. Since May, Sofeyev and Nikulshina have been arrested 4 times in total.
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