The collective immunity of Russians to coronavirus has reached 60%. This conclusion was made at the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Pasteur.
“We have reached about 60% in the country as a whole. This is not the level that allows you to breathe out. This is the level that allows you to control the process. In fact, it is necessary to reach 90%, ”said director of the institute Areg Totolyan. His quote “Vesti.ru”.
Scientists are conducting the fifth phase of herd immunity research. The results are still preliminary.
In Russia, according to official data, 30.9 million people (21% of the population) have been vaccinated, the number of infections is about 6 million (4%), writes Kommersant. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed the Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor to achieve a collective immunity to COVID-19 of 80%.
Meanwhile, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology draws attention to the fact that the growth of antibodies does not always lead to the emergence of immunity to coronavirus. There are two types of antibodies that are produced in the body – IgG and IgM. IgM antibody levels rise shortly after COVID-19 and fall to negligible levels after recovery is a tool for fighting an acute infection. And IgG antibodies are the long-term protection of the body. They are produced more slowly, last longer, and provide a stable immunity to infection. According to them, you can determine that a person has suffered a disease or was vaccinated.
Some COVID-19 patients report an increase in protective antibodies almost 8-9 months after the illness. “It means that this terrible virus is hanging in you somewhere, it is spreading. And at this point I would rather not say anything, because you have to run to your doctor and figure out what to do, ”says Dmitry Kulish, professor of biotechnology at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, an expert in the field of vaccine development.
He warned that action must be taken, even if the person whose IgM is growing “is in excellent health today, pulls up on the horizontal bar 16 times and runs a marathon.”
The fact that a virus can “hang” in the body agrees with an immunologist, a specialist in especially dangerous infections, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladislav Zhemchugov. “In the normal course of any disease, either the death of a person or the death of the virus ends. But it happens that there is a consensus: the virus does not kill a person, and the human immune system does not kill the virus, – explained he is in conversation with RBC. – The nucleic acid of the virus is embedded in a human or some kind of animal and continues to exist there for some time. This is called a latent viral infection. After some time, the virus is activated, begins to multiply and can destroy the host. “
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