Forest fires in Karelia spread over an area of 2.1 thousand hectares. About it informs Interfax with reference to the press service of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for Karelia.
“As of 13:50, there are 33 forest fires in the region on a total area of 2.1 thousand hectares,” the press service said.
On the evening of July 16, the regional authorities reported forest fires on a total area of 1 thousand hectares.
The press service of the State Committee of Karelia for Ensuring Life and Safety of the Population told the agency that there are three major fires. A fire near the village of Naistenjärvi, Suoyarvi District, cannot be extinguished for three days. A large fire was also recorded near the village of Essoila in the Pryazhinsky district of Karelia. Another powerful forest fire near the city of Segezha.
In Segezhsky, Suoyarvsky districts, Essoilsky rural settlement, an emergency regime was introduced. The rest of the regions are on high alert. It is forbidden to walk into the forests in Segezhsky, Kalevala, Suoyarvsky, Muezersky and Pryazhinsky districts.
On the eve, the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Karelia urged people not to go to the forest throughout the republic.
On July 15, 70 people were evacuated from the village of Naistenjärvi, Suoyarvi District.
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