In Russia, 4 vaccines are really registered and are in one way or another applied or used: Sputnik V, Sputnik-light, EpiVacCorona and KoviVak. But the claim about the reliability of all four looks overly optimistic.
The most common vaccine, Sputnik V, is widely used not only in Russia, but also in several dozen countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as in Hungary, Slovakia, and San Marino. The European Medicines Agency (EU agency) is undergoing a gradual review of this vaccine, but there are reports that the agency did not receive from developers a number of important data. Although its tests were carried out in a hurry and the third phase practically had to be interrupted without waiting for the results to be obtained, there are no reports of any serious consequences of its use. There are known cases of COVID-19 after vaccination, in particular, so occurred with the President of Argentina Alberto Fernandez, but in all these cases the disease was mild. We can say that practice has really shown the reliability of Sputnik V.
Although Sputnik-Light passed the registration procedure separately from Sputnik V, in reality it is just one of its two components. His use for re-vaccination, as well as for the vaccination of labor migrants.
The reliability of the EpiVacCorona vaccine is more than questionable. The vaccine, created by the Novosibirsk Institute “Vector” with the participation of the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova as one of the developers, according to a number of experts, does not protect against the virus at all. Antibodies to it are not detected in the vaccinated. In July 2021, EpiVacCorona is not used in practice, pass testing of its new version under the AURORA-Cov trademark.
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