The Association of European Businesses appealed to the Moscow City Hall with a request to recognize foreign certificates of vaccination against COVID-19 and issue QR codes to employees of foreign companies working in Russia. About it report Izvestia citing the head of the association, Tadzio Schilling.
Representatives of foreign business noted that problems with obtaining QR codes arise not only among foreigners, but also among Russians vaccinated with domestic vaccines abroad and offered to confirm the presence of antibodies by passing a test.
The association has not yet received an official response from the mayor’s office.
The American Chamber of Commerce also applied to the Moscow mayor’s office with a proposal to allow foreigners to receive a QR code. The organization is preparing a similar appeal to the Russian authorities. Its head, Alexis Rodzianko, told Izvestia that a number of family members of American businessmen encountered problems when registering on the Gosuslugi portal, which requires SNILS. The organization has already contacted the Russian Ministry of Health with this problem, but they said that they were not dealing with this issue.
The Ministry of Health said that it had not received applications from US representatives, but noted that the ministry received a proposal from the EU Delegation in Russia to discuss with Moscow “procedures for using digital certificates confirming the fact of vaccination against COVID-19, as well as the possibility of recognizing their equivalence.” … “We believe it expedient to support initiatives for a constructive international dialogue in terms of facilitating the cross-border movement of citizens vaccinated against COVID-19. At the same time, we proceed from the principle of reciprocity, as well as the need for cross-sectoral comprehensive study of relevant regulatory and technological solutions, ”the ministry said.
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