The Arkhangelsk Regional Court reduced the sentence to activist Andrei Borovikov by three months. About it informs project “Network Freedoms” with reference to the lawyer Alexei Kychin.
Initially, the activist was assigned 2 years and 6 months in prison, the regional court reduced the term to 2 years and 3 months.
At the end of April, Borovikov was found guilty of distributing pornography over the Internet. This happened after Borovikov made a repost on VKontakte of the clip “Pussy” by the Rammstein group. The activist denied his guilt, stressing that hundreds more people published this video on VK. The prosecutor’s office asked Borovikov for three years in a strict regime colony.
An examination commissioned by the investigation concluded that the clip contains pornographic scenes and does not represent cultural value.
At the end of May, Borovikov was convoyed to another region pending consideration of the appeal – the activist was kept in a pre-trial detention center in the city of Kirov, the project reports.
Lawyer Aleksey Kychin and Andrei Borovikov filed a petition for the activist’s personal participation in the consideration of the appeal. But the court refused this request.
Prior to that, Borovikov was tried under the “Dada” article about repeated violations of the rules for holding rallies (Article 212.1 of the Criminal Code). He was also accused of promoting drugs for reposting Decl’s video clip and promoting Nazism for reposting historical footage with Adolf Hitler.
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