Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that an employee of the US Embassy in Russia stole a pointer on a railway in the Tver region. About this she wrote in your Telegram channel.
“In the spring of this year, a pointer indicator disappeared at the junction. The police, as expected, carried out pre-investigation measures and found on the CCTV cameras that an unknown thirty-year-old man had indeed kidnapped the shooter and put it in the trunk of his car. What was unusual in the practice of Tver law enforcement officers was that the license plates on the car were red. On the same day, the exact same car with exactly the same numbers was stopped by traffic police officers in the Tver region for violating traffic rules. At the wheel was an employee of the American Embassy, in all respects suitable for orientation, ”Zakharova wrote.
The incident, she said, took place in the spring of 2021 at the Ostashkov station. Zakharova compared the incident with the story of Anton Chekhov “The Malefactor”, where one of the heroes stole nuts from the railroad tracks.
“Question. Why does an employee of the American diplomatic mission need a pointer? Sinkers from it, as did the hero of the story “The Intruder” by A.P. Chekhov, will not work. Was it some kind of secret top-secret espionage operation to kidnap a railway pointer from the Tver region? If they had told us, we would have revealed a terrible secret that you can see these in every museum of railway transport, ”Zakharova adds.
Zakharova did not specify the name of the employee and his position.
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